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Tom 8 (2010)

Historia czasopisma „Nasze Życie” i jego rola w zachowaniu i kształtowaniu języka polskiego Polaków mieszkających w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym na Łotwie

  • Agnieszka Durejko
1 stycznia 2010


The history of “Nasze Życie” [“Our Life”] magazine and its role in preserving and shaping the Polish language of Poles living in Latvia in the interwar period


The history of press in the former Poland’s Livonia is created by Polish periodicals arising in the twentieth century interwar period such as: “The Voice of Poland”, “The Polish Weekly”, “The Bell”, “Our Voice”, “Our Life”. There is little mention of these magazines. Each of them played a major role in shaping the national identity, preserving the language and tradition. “Our Life” along with “The Dwarfs” – the supplement for children – were published from 24th December 1934 to 4th August 1940.