Tom 24 (2018)

„Zmiennik wybawiony albo tryumf wiedźmina”. Cyfrowy dialog z kulturą i obyczajowością („Wiedźmin 3”)

Strony: 313 - 327



The Substitute Saved or the Triumph of the Witcher: Digital dialogue with culture and morals Summary

Some elements of the game The Witcher 3 show very clearly that developers, in order to achieve a significant effect of gameplay, adopt the tools and forms of expression of other media — such as plot stereotypes, films or complex dialogues — and fill their designed world with quotations and motifs from traditional not only Polish texts of culture. “Sewn together” with digital technology, this “cento” becomes a commentary on the postmodern dimension of contemporary pop culture, and includes a warning against degradation of elementary norms and values essential for the functioning of societies.