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Tom 33 (2014): Kary i środki wolnościowe w perspektywie praktyki orzeczniczej i wykonawczej

Obligatoryjne zarządzenie wykonania kary warunkowo zawieszonej. Uwagi na tle wyroku Trybunału Konstytucyjnego z  17 lipca 2013 r. oraz uchwały Sądu Najwyższego z  27 marca 2014 r.

  • Tomasz Kalisz
26 marca 2015


Mandatory order of execution of conditionally suspended sentence. Remarks based on the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of 17 July 2013 and the resolution of the Constitutional Tribunal of 27 March 2014

The study concerns mandatory conditions for cancelling the conditional suspension of sentence. The provision referred to concerns Article 75§1 of the Polish Penal Code which has been declared unconstitutional from the perspective of the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of 17 July 2013. This ruling shall trigger a whole series of consequences regarding conditional suspension of sentence and other similar regulations in the criminal law.