Władza publiczna a podmioty działalności gospodarczej

Tom 323 (2017)

Ułatwienia w prowadzeniu działalności gospodarczej w obszarze międzynarodowego obrotu towarowego wynikające z pakietu prawnego UKC. Wybrane aspekty

Strony: 223 - 233



Facilitations for conducting businesses in the international trade in goods under the Union Customs Code. Selected aspects

The Union Customs Code, the delegated regulation, and the implementing regulation contain a wide array of facilitations for entrepreneurs trading in goods. The major role is played by the Author­ized Economic Operator AEO and the Binding Tariff Information BTI, which provide numer­ous benefits for the entities conducting the international trade in goods. Nevertheless, despite num­erous advantages both institutions provide other solutions which are less beneficial for the entities enjoying them; for example, acomplicated audit procedure followed when issuing AEO permits, and “the prohibition on purchasing” Binding Tariff Information, which has been recently introduced.