
Tom 36 (2017)

Реалізація лінгвістичної економії в німецькій мові за допомогою абсентивних інфінітивних конструкцій

Nataliia Jevstafijivna Drach

Strony: 37 - 45



Realisation of linguistic economy in German language using absentive infinitive constructions

This article is devoted to absentive infinitive construction, main lexical and grammatical features of these construction. Here it was analysed the specific operation features of abscentive infinitive constructions in German grammar from the point of view of linguistic retrenchment. There were de­fined the dependence of grammar language forming from principle of speech efforts retrenchment, the correspondence of absentive constructions to postulates of quantities category of speech maxims of P. Grice.