Studia o Książce i Informacji (dawniej: Bibliotekoznawstwo) Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego Sp. z o.o. pl-PL Studia o Książce i Informacji (dawniej: Bibliotekoznawstwo) 2300-7729 Strony redakcyjne i spis treści wuwr wuwr Prawa autorskie (c) 2019-06-26 2019-06-26 37 1 7 Duchowieństwo i stowarzyszenia katolickie wobec bibliotek dla ludu w Galicji na przełomie XIX i XX wieku <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>The clergy, Catholic associations and libraries for the folk in Galicia at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries</strong><br /><br />In the last decades of the 19th century libraries for the folk began to be created, founded by various educational societies for example by Catholic communities. In the documents of libraries&rsquo; functions and tasks it was emphasized that libraries should spread education consistent with Catholic faith and morality. The clergy were encouraged to set up and run parish libraries. The journals for priests provided advice on the organization of libraries. Appropriate guides were issued, too. In order to facilitate the selection of books appropriate for the assumed educational purposes, annotated catalogs were prepared by priests or various Catholic communities.</p> Anna Gruca Prawa autorskie (c) 2019-06-26 2019-06-26 37 11 21 10.19195/2300-7729.37.1 Biblioteki dwudziestolecia międzywojennego na łamach „Przeglądu Księgarskiego” <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Libraries of the interwar period on the pages of <em>Przegląd Księgarski</em></strong><br /><br />The article depicts libraries and their functions in the interwar period as presented in <em>Przegląd Księgarski</em>, a paper which was the press organ of the Union of Polish Booksellers. The research has been limited to the 1918/1919&ndash;1920, 1922&ndash;1928 and 1935&ndash;1939 years&rsquo; issues. A total of 381 papers on library issues have been analyzed. The vast majority of the content was connected with Polish libraries. The articles primarily echoed bookselling-related developments in the Polish librarianship. As regards the foreign libraries, the papers mainly discussed private and public libraries, and library acts. The research has revealed a wide range of the topics addressed. Those, <em>inter alia</em>, involved statistical data pertaining to collections of books and readers, functions and tasks of the libraries of different types, library organization and basic procedures with special reference to the library collections policy. The articles also dealt with such major issues as the idea of the national library, legal deposit and the legal basis for library services. The reader could also find some information on union activity of the librarians, vocational training programmes and library press.</p> Monika Olczak-Kardas Prawa autorskie (c) 2019-06-26 2019-06-26 37 23 39 10.19195/2300-7729.37.2 Zmiany w zasadach realizacji zadań w Bibliotece Głównej Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu w latach 1947–2016 <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Changes in the rules of realization of tasks in the Main Library of the Wrocław University of Economics in the years 1947&ndash;2016</strong><br /><br />The article presents changes which have taken place in the principles of realization of tasks of the library within the years 1947&ndash;2016. The most important tasks of a scientific library are: the organization of bibliographic and information workshops, didactics and scientific research activities. The fulfilling of certain tasks in five following periods of the library&rsquo;s existence has been analyzed based on publications of the library staff. The tasks themselves have not been changed, what has been altered, are the methods and tools of their realization. The conclusion points at the causes of change: the law, needs of users, modification of didactic programs, locum conditions, development of IT technologies and the commitment of librarians.&nbsp;</p> Agnieszka Rogalińska Prawa autorskie (c) 2019-06-26 2019-06-26 37 41 56 10.19195/2300-7729.37.3 Funkcje bibliotek pedagogicznych w XXI wieku <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Functions and tasks of pedagogical libraries in the 21st century</strong><br /><br />Due to their functions, pedagogical libraries are a very important point on the library map of our country. The authors conduct their reflections on the tasks and functions of the pedagogical library in the 21st century, referring to the proposals included in the literature on the subject. In the course of theoretical analysis, using their own observations from work in this type of book, they propose their own catalog of the functions of pedagogical libraries.</p> Mariola Antczak Monika Wachowicz Prawa autorskie (c) 2019-06-26 2019-06-26 37 57 68 10.19195/2300-7729.37.4 Praca bibliotekarza z perspektywy półwiecza na przykładzie Sekcji Informacji Naukowej Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>The work of the librarians of the Reference Department of the Jagiellonian Library over the years</strong><br /><br />Everyone can see what the library does, but is one aware of what tasks were involved and fall under the responsibility of a librarian? Based on the interviews conducted with librarians of the Reference Department of the Jagiellonian Library, the basic changes that have taken place in the librarian&rsquo;s profession will be discussed. Review of old and current librarian work tools, as well as the scope of its duties will be compared. The aim of the work is to show the process of evolution of the librarian&rsquo;s profession, with particular emphasis on changes that have occurred in the area of work tools and the manner of performed tasks.</p> Jagoda Małgorzata Nowak Prawa autorskie (c) 2019-06-26 2019-06-26 37 69 80 10.19195/2300-7729.37.5 Rola biblioteki w dokumentowaniu dorobku naukowego pracowników Politechniki Lubelskiej <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Role of the library in documenting the scholarship of Lublin University of Technology academics<br /></strong><br />The paper presents new functions and roles performed by Lublin University of Technology Library in context of the university parametric marks. A library has always played an important role in the scientific environment of universities. The primary aim of its activity is supporting the academics&rsquo; scientific performance. It has been done by providing the documentation of their scholarship. The composites of information on publications from various sources not only register the items but also positively influence the scholarly communications by enhancing discoverability. These databases, additionally equipped with tools necessary to analyse citations, start to play a more and more important role. Our bibliographic database has been enriched recently by new parametric indicators: journal mark indicators, citations, for example, according to the Web of Science. It allows the library to support the system of evaluation of scientific institutions conducted by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Poland. The paper presents a description of the important role played by the Scientific and Technical Information Department at the University as the main coordinator concern&shy;ing documentation and information including parametric evaluation of the university 2013&ndash;2016.</p> Ewa Hetman Prawa autorskie (c) 2019-06-26 2019-06-26 37 81 91 10.19195/2300-7729.37.6 Ewolucja zadań nauczycieli bibliotekarzy w dydaktyce szkolnej <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Evolution of tasks of librarian teachers in school didactics</strong></p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong></strong>The article presents changes in tasks faced by teacher-librarians in their pedagogical activities. The following documents were analyzed: teaching principles, reading instructions, educational paths, and core curricula. They reveal the competencies and attitudes that children are to be taught by teacher-librarians. Teacher-librarians support curricula implementation, their tasks change along with the curricula. Nowadays development of not only reading motivation, but also information competencies is being emphasized.</p> Dorota Grabowska Prawa autorskie (c) 2019-06-26 2019-06-26 37 93 105 10.19195/2300-7729.37.7 Postrzeganie zawodu bibliotekarza: stereotypy oraz opinie użytkowników Biblioteki Wydziału Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Perception of the librarian&rsquo;s profession: Stereotypes and opinions of users of the Library of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science of the Jagiellonian University</strong><br /><br />Stereotypes have been functioning in the social consciousness for many years and have become an interesting topic of scientific research. Stereotypes are universally accepted, positive or negative ideas about certain phenomena, professions, people and institutions. Usually they do not have much in common with reality but general opinions are very difficult to tone down and it is practically impossible to make them disappear completely. The article presents rules of creation of the stereotypes and conditions of their preservation. Then, the author discuses in more detail the specific stereotypes associated with libraries and librarians, and will explain the reasons of their formation. The article also presents the results of a survey carried out in November 2018 among the users of the Library of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University. The main goal of the survey was to determine how students and faculty employees perceive librarians and if they know about the stereotypes of the profession. Furthermore, respondents were asked to indicate literary works in which the figure of a librarian or a library itself appear; the article contains a brief analysis of the indicated titles.</p> Katarzyna Dobija Prawa autorskie (c) 2019-06-26 2019-06-26 37 107 122 10.19195/2300-7729.37.8 Jeszcze o wizerunku biblioteki i bibliotekarza z perspektywy popularnych mediów <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>More about the image of a library and a librarian from the perspective of popular media</strong></p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong></strong>Libraries and librarians have undergone tremendous changes in recent years. This undeniable fact led the representatives of the librarian community to reflect on the social reception of this change. The article presents a summary of discussions from previous years, and these conclusions are confronted with the current perception of libraries as well as the librarian profession. The current image of the field mentioned above was prepared based on materials published in popular media. An attempt was made to answer the question of whether the true image of the librarian, educated and fluent in modern information technology, went hand in hand with their social perception.</p> Teresa Skibicka Prawa autorskie (c) 2019-06-26 2019-06-26 37 123 134 10.19195/2300-7729.37.9 Gromadzenie kolekcji czasopism w bibliotece akademickiej — współczesne wyzwania <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Acqusition of a periodicals collection in the academic library &mdash; modern challenges</strong><br /><br />In the article, on the example of the Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics, experience in the field of collection policy of serials publications was presented. The influence of selected elements of the nearer and more distant library environment on creating periodicals collections in academic libraries is discussed. Particular attention has been paid to the legal and economic conditions of library purchasing activities, as well as to cooperation with many elements of the library environment in the field of creating periodicals collections.</p> Bernadetta Gągulska Prawa autorskie (c) 2019-06-26 2019-06-26 37 135 147 10.19195/2300-7729.37.10 Jak Emil Zegadłowicz o typografii gawędził. Uwagi na marginesie poznańskiej edycji "Gawędy poety z typografem" z 1929 roku <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>How Emil Zegadłowicz discoursed about typography. Comments on the margin of the Poznań Edition of <em>Gawęda poety z typografem</em> of 1929</strong></p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong></strong>The present text is based on a book by Emil Zegadłowicz published in 1929 by the poet&rsquo;s friend, Jan Kuglin. Gawęda poety z typografem [Discourse between a poet and a typographer] was delivered for the first time during the Third Congress of Polish Bibliophiles that took place in Lw&oacute;w in 1928. Its individual fragments are a point of departure for reflections upon typography at the turn of the twentieth century, especially the beautiful book trend initiated at that time as well as the bibliophile publishing houses and editions that emerged in its wake.</p> Katarzyna Krzak-Weiss Prawa autorskie (c) 2019-06-26 2019-06-26 37 149 162 10.19195/2300-7729.37.11 Współczesna książka interaktywna dla dzieci na przykładzie twórczości Hervé’a Tulleta <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Contemporary interactive book for children: The example of Herv&eacute; Tullet&rsquo;s work</strong><br /><br />Nowadays, an interactive book is overlooked and forgotten by researchers &mdash; it is supplanted by new technologies, applications and multimedia offers from publishers. Lack of definitions leads to problems with its understanding. There are no assumptions about the features, functions and appearance of this subspecies. Placed among both digital solutions and traditional paper editions, it has an unclear status and exists as an undefined subgenre of children&rsquo;s books. The article collects definitions that are analyzed in terms of differences and similarities, contains terminological conclusions about the contemporary interactive book and its current status. Examples from Herv&eacute; Tullet&rsquo;s individual works show the characteristics of an interactive book.</p> Alicja Urban Prawa autorskie (c) 2019-06-26 2019-06-26 37 163 175 10.19195/2300-7729.37.12 Polskie aplikacje książkowe dla dzieci <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Polish picturebook applications</strong><br /><br />The subject of the article is Polish picturebook applications for children. The purpose of the study was to investigate the most important features of digital picturebooks for children, the characteristics of individual examples and the specifics of the Polish picturebook app market. Moreover, this article hightlights the characteristic of the Polish picturebook apps market and assessment criteria of the digital picturebook. The main part is the analysis of the collected source material, taking into account previously grouped assessment criteria. The last part contains conclusions and perspectives for further research which should focus on the analysis of the nature of reading in the digital environment. Also, there is a need to disseminate information about the existence of a digital picturebook and its educational value.</p> Paulina Sabat Prawa autorskie (c) 2019-06-26 2019-06-26 37 177 195 10.19195/2300-7729.37.13 History of Illustration, red. Susan Doyle, Jaleen Grove, Whitney Sherman, Fairchild Books Bloomsbury, New York 2018, 554 ss. Anita Wincencjusz-Patyna Prawa autorskie (c) 2019-06-26 2019-06-26 37 199 203 10.19195/2300-7729.37.14 Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa Książka, prasa, radio, film i biblioteki w kształtowaniu dziedzictwa kulturowego II Rzeczypospolitej Warszawa, 8–9 maja 2018 Dorota Kolenda Prawa autorskie (c) 2019-06-26 2019-06-26 37 207 213 10.19195/2300-7729.37.15 Okładki druków muzycznych jako ważne zagadnienie badawcze: na marginesie wystawy Obrazki z nut Wrocław, 19 stycznia–28 lutego 2018 Jakub Maciej Łubocki Prawa autorskie (c) 2019-06-26 2019-06-26 37 215 219 10.19195/2300-7729.37.16