
Tom 2 (2024)

Humoralna mapa mózgu w średniowiecznej uroskopii na przykładzie traktatu „De iudiciis urine” czternastowiecznego lekarza Tomasza z Wrocławia

Strony: 27-43



The article discusses assumptions about brain structure based on the example of a passage from 14th century medical treatise De iudiciis urine by Thomas of Wroclaw. Medieval scientists used to explain functions of the brain relying on humoral theory and uroscopy. They divided the brain into four vessels containing four elements: blood, phlegm, bile and melancholy. This article explains why the brain structure was perceived this way and briefly discusses ancient beliefs about this organ, which influenced medieval theories. The paper also presents a transcription and Polish translation of a passage from Thomas’s work containing description of the brain anatomy.


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