Przekłady i edycje
The aim of this paper is to present Polish translation of selected fragments of the Latin didactic epic poem Thia Sinenis composed by Pierre Petit, a 17th-century French scholar. The poem is an interesting example of the neolatin texts that introduce the subject of exotic beverages such as tea, coffee and cacao and might be investigated as a valuable source of the reception of distant cultures in the 17th-century Europe.
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Petri Petiti Epos de vi et praestantia thiae sinensis, quae vulgo The dicitur, accedunt ejusdem argumenti anocroantica duo Petri Francii, [s. a.].
Petri Petiti Philosophi et Doctoris Medici Parisiensis Thea Sive de Sinensi herba Thee Carmen ad Petrum Danielem Huetium. Cui adiectae Joannis Nicolai Pechlini Archiatri Holsati de eadem herba Epigraphae, et descriptiones aliae, Lipsiae 1685.
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