Classica Wratislaviensia. Series Altera 2024-12-31T12:15:29+01:00 Ałła Brzozowska Open Journal Systems <p>„Classica Wratislaviensia. Series Altera” są recenzowanym czasopismem naukowym wydawanym od 2023 roku. Periodyk poświęcony jest badaniom z zakresu filologii klasycznej: hellenistyki, latynistyki oraz neolatynistyki, a także recepcji antyku w literaturze następnych epok.</p> Symbolika zwierząt w marzeniach sennych w starożytności grecko-rzymskiej 2024-12-31T08:50:43+01:00 Aleksandra Hołomej <p>A dream has always been perceived as something extraordinary, it stimulated the human imagination and was attributed divine and magical meanings. From time immemorial, people have tried to interpret dreams. In the life of the ancients, dreams played an important role. The belief in them was very widespread and great importance was attached to it, as an accurate analysis of dreams influenced personal, political and economic decisions. The inhabitants of ancient Greece probably felt an attachment to the earth, broadly understood nature and animals, which probably resulted in giving them human features by ancient authors and the symbolic translation of the appearance of animals in dreams.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Humoralna mapa mózgu w średniowiecznej uroskopii na przykładzie traktatu „De iudiciis urine” czternastowiecznego lekarza Tomasza z Wrocławia 2024-12-31T08:59:38+01:00 Karolina Szula <p>The article discusses assumptions about brain structure based on the example of a passage from 14th century medical treatise <em>De iudiciis urine </em>by Thomas of Wroclaw. Medieval scientists used to explain functions of the brain relying on humoral theory and uroscopy. They divided the brain into four vessels containing four elements: blood, phlegm, bile and melancholy. This article explains why the brain structure was perceived this way and briefly discusses ancient beliefs about this organ, which influenced medieval theories. The paper also presents a transcription and Polish translation of a passage from Thomas’s work containing description of the brain anatomy.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Uczta pustelników w „Antoniadzie” Maffea Vegia (III 73–130) 2024-12-31T09:45:26+01:00 Elżbieta Górka Mariusz Plago <p>This article offers a discussion of verses III 73–130 from Maffeo Vegio’s <em>Antoniad</em>, alongside their translation into Polish accompanied by commentary. In the second part of the third book of the poem, we witness the encounter between Saint Anthony the Great and Saint Paul the Anchorite. We can call it the ‘feast of the hermits’, echoing numerous epic feasting scenes. The article highlights the primary disparities between the poem and Jerome’s <em>Life of Saint Paul </em>in their treatment of this scene. While Vegio remains largely faithful to Jerome’s text, he occasionally permits himself some deviations. These differences arise not solely from the adoption of different genres; Jerome and Vegio wrote within distinct contexts and pursued distinct objectives.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Łacińskie utwory o utracie psich pupili w renesansowych Włoszech 2024-12-31T09:53:26+01:00 Elżbieta Górka <p>Article is an analysis of three selected Latin works about the loss of a dog composed in Renaissance Italy: <em>Lusus </em>43 by Andrea Navagero, <em>De catella puellae </em>by Lodovico Ariosto and <em>Melampus</em>, an eclogue, by Luigi Alamanni. These poems, fitting into the popular <em>corrente cinofila </em>of that time, are characterized by a strong emotional component and a humorous tone. The first two epicedia engage in an intertextual dialogue with the poems of Catullus, especially 2nd and 3rd. The poem of Navagero, who was one of the neo-Catullan poets, is an example of <em>aemulatio</em>, while Ariosto’s work can be seen as a parody of Catullus’ „sparrow poems”. Alamano’s eclogue primarily draws from ancient bucolic sources (Virgil and Moschus). In this work, the death of the animal is portrayed as the death of an epic hero. The presence of hyperbole and a humorous tone in all three poems suggests that these pieces should be understood more as a literary <strong><em>lusus </em></strong>rather than an expression of deep mourning for the loss of a household member.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Jeszcze o Schedlach. Bibliografia, dopełnienia, analizy 2024-12-31T10:16:00+01:00 Małgorzata Ciszewska <p>Recenzja książki: Michał Czerenkiewicz, Oficyna Schedlów. W świecie drukowanej książki XVII i początków XVIII wieku, Terminus: „Bibliotheca Classica” Seria 2, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego 2023</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 List Klaudiusza Terencjanusa (P. Mich. 8.471) — analiza i przekład tekstu 2024-12-31T10:01:51+01:00 Joanna Pieczonka <p>This paper presents a linguistic analysis of the letter written by a soldier Claudius Terentianus in colloquial Latin and preserved on the papirus P. Mich. 8.471. The letter is addressed to his father, Claudius Tiberianus, and it shows Terentianus’ attempts to obtain money and clothing for his trip to Alexandria. The article also contains a Polish translation of the discussed text.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 „Thia Sinensis” Pierre’a Petita. Przekład wybranych fragmentów siedemnastowiecznego poematu o herbacie 2024-12-31T10:08:58+01:00 Mikołaj Marcinkowski <p>The aim of this paper is to present Polish translation of selected fragments of the Latin didactic epic poem <em>Thia Sinenis </em>composed by Pierre Petit, a 17th-century French scholar. The poem is an interesting example of the neolatin texts that introduce the subject of exotic beverages such as tea, coffee and cacao and might be investigated as a valuable source of the reception of distant cultures in the 17th-century Europe.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024