
No. 4 (2021)

Can separate be good too? A review of research on shared parenting

Martyna Popławska

Pages: 63-79

PDF (Język Polski)


Joint physical custody, as one of the solutions used after the divorce of parents, has been widely commented on and studied by various specialists. It has been debated for several decades now whether it is a good solution for children. Researchers consider the fact that children live de facto in two homes, which may be uncomfortable for them and expose them to repercussions resulting from the conflict between parents. However, there is a noticeable change of emphasis in the discussion on this topic. Researchers are now asking whether child’s exposure to conflict and some discomfort resulting from the change of placement is less important than the child’s relationship with both parents. The aim of this article is to introduce the issue of joint physical custody in the said context. Based on the research and analyses conducted by various researchers, it can be concluded that in situations of controlled conflict between parents, shared parenting is a good solution for children. It allows contact with both mother and father and ensures that both parents are actively involved in the upbringing of their children.


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