
Bd. 139 (2014)

Zum Phänomen der Hybridbildung in der deutschen Gegenwartssprache

Seiten: 125 - 140

PDF (Język Polski)


The phenomenon of word forming hybrids in contemporary German language

The word forming combinations of native and foreign morphemes are very popular in contemporary German language. They attract attention and sound very modern and worldly; they include foreign words, and nowadays it is fashionable to express oneself using foreign words. It should be noted, however, that foreign components are not only borrowed from other languages to the German language, but they are also combined with native components into new lexical items. The present articleaims at characterizing the phenomenon of word forming hybrids in contemporary German language and the ways in which native word formation and foreign word formation overlap in the process of hybrid word forming. In other words, it will explore the intermediate zone created by word forming hybrids between native word formation and word formation with foreign components.

Citation rules

Dargiewicz, A. (2014). Zum Phänomen der Hybridbildung in der deutschen Gegenwartssprache. Germanica Wratislaviensia, 139, 125–140. Abgerufen von https://wuwr.pl/gwr/article/view/2189