Język a Kultura https://wuwr.pl/jk <p>Autorami publikującymi w kolejnych tomach czasopisma „Język a Kultura” są przede wszystkim językoznawcy polscy i zagraniczni, zajmujący się analizą zjawisk z zakresu lingwistyki kulturowej w odniesieniu do języka polskiego oraz innych języków i kultur.</p> <p>ISSN: 1232-9657</p> Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego Sp. z o.o. pl-PL Język a Kultura 1232-9657 Wstęp https://wuwr.pl/jk/article/view/14157 Anna Dąbrowska Prawa autorskie (c) 0 2022-05-16 2022-05-16 29 7 10 10.19195/1232-9657.29.1 Od konwersatorium „Język a kultura” do konwersatorium EUROJOS https://wuwr.pl/jk/article/view/14158 <p>The author of this essay was an active member of the “Language and culture” conference series since its commencement. He presents the historical background of its origin and recalls the very fruitful collaboration (from 1976 onwards) with the Wrocław circles of Polish philologists under the guidance of Czesław Hernas. He then discusses three publication series connected with the conferences: the Wrocław “white series” <em>Języka a Kultura</em>, the Lublin “red series,” and the Lublin journal<em> Etnolingwistyka</em>, which together amount now to over ninety volumes. Janusz Anusiewicz’s conception of cultural linguistics is then praised; however, that author’s narrow view of ethnolinguistics as folk studies is criticised. The exploration of language and culture initiated in Wrocław in the 1980s is being continued in ethnolinguistic research on values (axiological linguistics) within the EUROJOS project, based on the good general framework of the “Language and culture” conference series. So far, the EUROJOS project has produced five volumes of the <em>Axiological Lexicon of Slavs and Their Neighbours</em> (2015–2019).</p> Jerzy Bartmiński Prawa autorskie (c) 0 2022-05-16 2022-05-16 29 11 24 10.19195/1232-9657.29.2 Moja przygoda z grzecznością https://wuwr.pl/jk/article/view/14159 <p>The author presents an evolution of her research on Polish linguistic politeness, which in the beginning were held as part of grants related to cultural linguistics. The result were important books: <em>Polish Linguistic Politeness</em> (1977), <em>Dictionary of Linguistic Savoir-Vivre</em> (2014), <em>How the Europeans Address Themselves</em> (2019). The evolution of research developed towards intercultural comparison, the results of which were published in<em> Our and Foreign Politeness</em> (2005) and <em>Politeness at the Ends of the World</em> (2007). An expert on politeness writes that the young generation — in contrary to popular belief — is interested in language etiquette, which is verified by the academic and popular lectures held by the author.</p> Małgorzata Marcjanik Prawa autorskie (c) 0 2022-05-16 2022-05-16 29 25 30 10.19195/1232-9657.29.3 Problemy historycznojęzykowe w czasopiśmie „Język a Kultura”. Zagadnienia i perspektywy badawcze https://wuwr.pl/jk/article/view/14160 <p>The article is a review and its aim is to answer the questions about which sections of historical linguistics are represented in the journal “Język a Kultura,” as well as which paradigms, directions, and research methodologies were used by the authors of the excerpted texts. The “Język a Kultura” journal, which has been published since 1988, has contained 73 historical and linguistic articles (which constitute 12.85% of all texts), representing such branches of linguistics as: semantics, lexicology, etymology, textology (genology), and linguistic pragmatics; to a lesser extent, the series covers grammar, dialectological and onomastic issues as well as language policy.</p> Małgorzata Dawidziak-Kładoczna Prawa autorskie (c) 0 2022-05-16 2022-05-16 29 31 39 10.19195/1232-9657.29.4 Konstrukcje semantyczno-składniowe z czasownikiem „czuć”. Uwagi na marginesie gramatyki konstrukcji i kognitywizmu https://wuwr.pl/jk/article/view/14161 <p>The article concentrates on the concept of CZUĆ (FEEL) in Polish as it underlies semantico-syntactic constructions and emerges as the auxiliary verb <em>czuć</em>. The authors discuss essential meanings of the concept and analyse those phrasal and clausal constructions which are based on the verb<em> czuć</em>. Consequently, they characterize the way the verb is understood and explain how its meanings are constructed. Finally, the article shows how the sensory meanings of the verb<em> czuć</em> have been extended to the emotional and cognitive meanings of premonitions and presumptions.</p> Iwona Nowakowska-Kempna Sandra Camm Prawa autorskie (c) 0 2022-05-16 2022-05-16 29 45 58 10.19195/1232-9657.29.5 Kulturowa (nie)przetłumaczalność emocji w języku — na przykładzie emocji negatywnych https://wuwr.pl/jk/article/view/14162 <p>The article considers the possibility of translating the names of emotions into other languages, taking into account cultural and sociolinguistic factors. Based on the concepts created by researchers in traductology (e.g. John C. Catford) or cultural linguistics (e.g. Anna Wierzbicka), it has been shown that the names of emotions can be perceived as untranslatable, especially in the context of searching for their one-word equivalents in other languages. Attention was paid to such names, the meaning of which is closely related to the culture of a given society (e.g. historical events) and therefore they should be classified as the so-called mentifacts, defined by Donald W. Klopf as affective and cognitive factors shaping the perception of the world by a given community. The proposed way of explaining the meanings of the names of emotions is the description of exemplary situations as a result of which they arise or with which they are commonly associated in a given society. In the summary, it was emphasized that the names of emotions are keywords with which you can learn not only a foreign language, but also culture.</p> Barbara Łukaszewicz Prawa autorskie (c) 0 2022-05-16 2022-05-16 29 59 68 10.19195/1232-9657.29.6 Metafory zmysłowe w polskiej frazeologii https://wuwr.pl/jk/article/view/14163 <p>The senses are the basic cognitive tool of man. For this reason, the concepts describing the senses serve to represent other human activities metaphorically and metonymically. The article presents the use of names related to sensory perception in Polish phraseology. Names describing the sense of sight predominate, followed by terms related to hearing and touch. The use of taste and smell is very rare. Detailed analyses were carried out on the example of names related to the sense of touch. Phraseologisms often express synesthesia relationships by referring to more than one sense. Most often, however, the names used in phraseologisms describing the senses are used to describe other categories. For the names related to the sense of touch, the target ranges are mostly the human state, interpersonal relationships, and the determination of human characteristics. There are also single references to human behavior, valuing, and transience. It happens that phraseologisms without terms corresponding with the senses acquire meanings related to them.</p> Anna Kieler Piotr Kładoczny Prawa autorskie (c) 0 2022-05-16 2022-05-16 29 69 79 10.19195/1232-9657.29.7 Z badań frazeologii we współczesnej prasie katolickiej. Frazeologia w tygodniku „Niedziela” https://wuwr.pl/jk/article/view/14164 <p>The article concerns the functioning of phraseology in the weekly <em>Niedziela</em> in two main dimensions. Firstly, the analysis focuses on revealing the correctness of using the phraseological resource available in the Polish language regarding the aspects and ways of introducing phraseologisms into the magazine. The second research area relates to the specificity of the application and contexts in which phraseology occurs, aiming at distinguishing more important problem circles along with the interpretative regularities of the reality presented through the prism of phraseology. A more complete overview covers the spheres of faith, religion and the sacred as well as the ethical-moral and axiological levels. The detected properties of the phraseology in the weekly <em>Niedziela</em> are in line with the research on phraseology in contemporary Catholic press.</p> Włodzimierz Wysoczański Prawa autorskie (c) 0 2022-05-16 2022-05-16 29 81 94 10.19195/1232-9657.29.8 Wielorakie znaczenie rzeczy w nauczaniu języka polskiego jako obcego https://wuwr.pl/jk/article/view/14165 <p>Human culture is objectified. Successive generations produce more and more specialized items. They not only have practical value, but also testify to our taste and prosperity. They cause symbolic and metaphorical associations, relativise us to the world, and are among the most important linguo-cultural resources. There is not a sufficient reason for them to function in glottodidactics practice mainly as exemplifications of material nouns. The article proposes to “objectify” the language teaching process.</p> Piotr Garncarek Prawa autorskie (c) 0 2022-05-16 2022-05-16 29 95 104 10.19195/1232-9657.29.9 Uzasadnienia nazwotwórcze mikrotoponimów w perspektywie etnolingwistycznej https://wuwr.pl/jk/article/view/14166 <p>The main purpose of this article is an attempt to analyse the justifications of microtoponyms regarding name creation and ethnolinguistics. The research material contains over 1000 geographical names with different kind of data (e.g. information concerning semantic motivations). These geographical names were collected from 2011 to 2017 during informal conversations with the oldest- and middle-generation inhabitants of Wręczyca Wielka in the Klobuck poviat.</p> <p>Name-creation justifications of microtoponyms contain not only data concerning semantic motivations, but also extensive cultural contexts which elucidate the function of designated objects at village space. The information gained from the respondents shows a naïve method of interpreting non-linguistic reality, typical for microcommunity members. Furthermore, considering the form and way of communication, small assumptions regarding the respondents can be made.</p> Tomasz Jelonek Prawa autorskie (c) 0 2022-05-16 2022-05-16 29 105 117 10.19195/1232-9657.29.10 Janusz Anusiewicz (1946–2000) https://wuwr.pl/jk/article/view/14167 <p>The paper deals with the silhouette of Janusz Anusiewicz as a researcher, student educator, the organizer of seminars in Karpacz (as part of the Language and culture cycle), and as an editor of the series Language and Culture. An essential feature of the text are memories told by Janusz Anusiewicz’s pupils who nowadays are working in the Institute of Polish Philology at University of Wrocław.</p> Anna Dąbrowska Prawa autorskie (c) 0 2022-05-16 2022-05-16 29 119 132 10.19195/1232-9657.29.11