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Vol. 23 (2012): Akty i gatunki mowy w perspektywie kulturowej

Status przytoczenia w przekazie medialnym (casus wypowiedzi zwykłego człowieka)

  • Monika Grzelka
  • Agnieszka Kula
31 December 2012


Status of citation in medial message casus of utterance of anormal human being

Messages presented by journalists bring the knowledge about the world, and their basic functions determine the validity underlying analysis of information texts in the context of truth within the presented content. Standards related to journalists’ activity refer to two notions: objectivism and truth as elementary categories. Among the most commonly indicated obligations of journalists we can enumerate image setting of the described fact, which is to be ensured, among others, by multi-vocality of the journalist text. Creating the network of correlations between the functional message in media and utterances of various people citations enables examining the semantics of the given text and indicating its position in genologic pattern. When mentioning the manner of using citations in medial message, it is essential to indicate the intratextual and extratextual status of people, whose utterances are included in medial message. Information texts mention multiple people, and talking individuals usually belong to two spheres — the public and private area. The first one covers representatives of various institutions, while the second one concerns private people, who do not exist individually within the public sector. And the utterances stated by representatives of the private zone — “the common people” — were discussed by us in a sequence indicated by several categories, significant as far as the analysis of information texts is concerned: a. anonymity and openness; b. affiliation to the given category of speaking persons and individuality; c. role of the speaker; d. function of the quoted utterance.