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Vol. 23 (2012): Akty i gatunki mowy w perspektywie kulturowej

Specyfika dziecięcych wypowiedzi wobec tradycji społeczno-kulturowej

  • Barbara Boniecka
31 December 2012


A special children’s language in the face of social and cultural tradition

Using the chosen examples the author wants to describe how and which realities of the present day are reflected in children’s language and how the modern children’s thinking about the man shapes: about relationships between people, conception of a child, its birth, education and growing.
The cognition, processing and creating the present day are the matter of informing the children, then the matter of seeing the marriage as temporary, passing and the wedding day as connected with gigantic expenses. It is also the matter of choosing a good occupation for the child, which today means: ‘profitable’ occupation and related to beauty. This is also the matter of an attitude towards older people, who are seen by children as care homes’ inhabitants, the children are perceived by themselves as unwanted for the time being. Fortunately, the children emphasised that they need tenderness in everyday life and simple joy coming from possessing toys or celebrating The Child’s Day.
The child notices the split of this world: on the one hand the chase after various goods: the money, houses, cars, garages, company, and on the other hand the longing for normal childhood free from arguments and knowledge about money.