Kształcenie Językowe
<p>"Kształcenie Językowe" ma profil językoznawczo-dydaktyczny. Publikowane są prace poświęcone różnym aspektom języka i dydaktyki języka: posługiwanie się językiem, mówienie, słuchanie, czytanie, pisanie, ortografia, gatunki językowe, literackie i nieliterackie, i występujące w nich zjawiska foniczne, leksykalne, składniowe, nowe kierunki i metody w językoznawstwie, styl, zróżnicowanie stylistyczne, stylizacje, stylistyka, retoryka, pragmatyka mowy, etyka mówienia, słowo w tekstach kultury, analizy i interpretacje utworów literackich pod kątem języka i stylu, słowniki języka polskiego.</p> <p>ISSN: 1642-5782</p>Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego Sp. z o.o.pl-PLKształcenie Językowe1642-5782Czy protreptyk wart jest przywrócenia w edukacji szkolnej?
<p>This article is based on a study by Mason Marshall <em>Reading Plato’s Dialogues to Enhance Learning and Inquiry. Exploring Socrates’ Use of Protreptic for Student Engagement</em>. The author makes, inter alia, analyses of the Plato’s dialogue <em>Euthyphro </em>and emphasizes the ways of promoting and encouraging Socrates used for self-evaluation and conscious reflection in the interlocutor. By focusing his work on Socrates’ use of protreptic, Marshall proposes a practical approach to reading Plato, illustrating how his writings can be used to enhance intrinsic motivation amongst students and help them develop the thinking skills required for democratic and civic engagement.</p> <p>The article shows how to practically apply a protreptic in didactics; it also points to the work of Ole Fogh Kirkeby who writes about similar matters and justifies the use of traditional teaching methods in a modern school.</p>Jakub Z. Lichański
Prawa autorskie (c) 0
2021-12-232021-12-2319111710.19195/1642-5782.19(29).2Argument a przykład w rozprawce
<p>In the school essay, the student is expected to distinguish between an argument and an example. In this article, I analyze the benefits and difficulties associated with this approach to argumentation as well as present ideas for activities and exercises that can help students formulate arguments, choose examples, and distinguish one from the other.</p>Krzysztof Kaszewski
Prawa autorskie (c) 0
2021-12-232021-12-2319193210.19195/1642-5782.19(29).3Tekst prasowy jako bodziec do interakcji na lekcji języka obcego
<p>The paper shows how press text enables the development of interaction as a kind of interesting stimulus which motivates speaking. There were given characteristics of different genres of press text which have their aims in communication. Glottodidactic potential reveal title and lead as well as the body of text. The idea to imply press text for interaction was described. Attention was paid to what<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>learners gain from both reading press text and speaking about its content. Moreover, instructions to a teacher were determined. The role of a teacher who can maintain the speaking action in the classroom was emphasized.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p>Jakub Płowens
Prawa autorskie (c) 0
2021-12-232021-12-2319334610.19195/1642-5782.19(29).4Nauczanie (o) składni a kompetencja językowo-komunikacyjna uczniów z ASD
<p>The aim of the article is to point out the deeper problem of language teaching — teaching school grammar (on the example of syntax), which is associated more with teaching about the language than the language itself. In the current core curriculum, language teaching is not connected to communicative competence — the ability to create oral and written statements. It has caused the regression in Polish language didactics and the return to the discussion of teaching language or/and teaching about the language in modern primary school. Subjective, functional, and communicative approach in teaching language is really important when teaching children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and that is why the current system-normative approach in school discourse should be reflected upon. If the subjectiveness and individualisation of teaching as well as special educational needs and abilities of students with ASD are considered in this reflection, the conclusion emerges — the need to remodel the method of organising the language teaching process.</p>Helena Balcerek
Prawa autorskie (c) 0
2021-12-232021-12-2319476010.19195/1642-5782.19(29).5Ocena kompetencji komunikacyjnej dziecka z zespołem Aspergera (OKKA) — własne narzędzie diagnostyczne
<p>The article presents the author’s own tool to diagnose the level of communicative competence in a child with Asperger Syndrome at an early age. The diagnostic tool includes an interview with the parents, the diagnosis site, and exercises to check the functioning of the speech apparatus. The article presents exercises for diagnosing the level of linguistic social, situational, pragmatic, and systemic proficiency. At the end, there is a card for assessing the level of communicative competence of a child with Asperger Syndrome which will help systematize knowledge and prepare an appropriate therapy.</p>Sandra Caban
Prawa autorskie (c)
2021-12-232021-12-2319616610.19195/1642-5782.19(29).6„Verba dicendi” w dialogach jako przejaw stereotypizacji w postrzeganiu mamy i taty w serii książek „o Basi” Zofii Staneckiej i Marianny Oklejak
<p>The aim of the article is to show to what extent <em>verba dicendi </em>can create the stereotypical image of parents. Following the analysis, it can be concluded that the assumed hypothesis has proved to be correct, i.e. the use of verbs consistent with the characteristic (stereotypical) qualities of mother and father were present in the <em>Basia </em>book series.</p>Monika Czaińska
Prawa autorskie (c) 0
2021-12-292021-12-2919678410.19195/1642-5782.19(29).7Edukacja wczesnoszkolna versus język łaciński — podręczniki
<p>The article presents three coursebooks on the Latin language, published in years 2006–2018 in Poland. The author examines the advantages and disadvantages of the books and wonders if they may be used as teaching materials during early school education, i.e. in primary school, grades 1–3.</p>Joanna Pieczonka
Prawa autorskie (c) 0
2021-12-232021-12-2319859910.19195/1642-5782.19(29).8Nauczyć umierania. Tanatopedagogika na lekcjach języka polskiego w liceum na przykładzie literatury najnowszej
<p>The aim of this article is to present a didactic proposition on the introduction of thanatopedagogical themes in Polish language lessons in high school while discussing contemporary literature. The first part of the work presents the most important elements of thanatopedagogy as a science in the context of literary studies. The history of the concept is described in the context of changes in the cultural understanding of death, and the way of presenting the final things in the literature of children and adolescents — from didactic to personalistic — is discussed. In the following subsections, two texts from the latest Polish literature are interpreted: <em>The Things I Didn’t Throw Out </em>by Marcin Wicha and Mira Marcin’s <em>Bezmatek</em>. Proposals are made for using these works to introduce elements of reflection on the finality of things to Polish lessons (the subject of mourning, anthropology of death and dying, the language used for speaking about passing away). The text ends with a summary of the most crucial research conclusions: about the important role of recent literature in conversations on ultimate topics, the need for thanatopedagogical education for teachers, and the need for large psychological competences to conduct such conversations.</p>Jan Zdunik
Prawa autorskie (c) 0
2021-12-292021-12-291910111510.19195/1642-5782.19(29).9Od redaktora
Kordian Bakuła
Prawa autorskie (c) 0
2021-12-232021-12-23197810.19195/1642-5782.19(29).1[rec.] Irena Bogoczova, „Language Policy in the Czech Republic in the Context of the Situation in Slavic-Speaking Territories”, Uniwersytet Ostrawski, Ostrava 2021
Kordian Bakuła
Prawa autorskie (c) 0
2021-12-232021-12-231911912410.19195/1642-5782.19(29).10[rec.] Марія Зелінська, „Комунікативна компетенція молодих носіїв польської мови західних областeй України” [Maria Zielińska, „Kompetencja komunikacyjna młodych użytkowników języka polskiego zachodnich obwodów Ukrainy”], POSWIT, Drohobycz 2018
Dominika Izdebska-Długosz
Prawa autorskie (c) 0
2021-12-232021-12-231912412910.19195/1642-5782.19(29).11[rec.] „Sprachbildung und Sprachkontakt im deutsch-polnischen Kontext”, red. Britta Hufeisen, Dagmar Knorr, Peter Rosenberg, Christoph Schroeder, Aldona Sopata, Tomasz Wicherkiewicz, współpr. Barbara Stolarczyk, Peter Lang Verlag
Ewa Krauss
Prawa autorskie (c) 0
2021-12-232021-12-231913013410.19195/1642-5782.19(29).12Szkolne zmagania z płcią. [rec.] Karolina Kwak, „Czy Kopciuszek musi być dziewczyną? Edukacja polonistyczna bez schematów rodzajowych”, Wydawnictwo Universitas, Kraków 2019, Edukacja Nauczycielska Polonisty
Natalia Miksiewicz
Prawa autorskie (c) 0