
Vol. 27 (2021)

Corrosion of Power: A Dystopian Preview of the Future in the Comic Book “Judge Dredd: America” (1990) by John Wagner and Colin MacNeil

Pages: 455-466

PDF (Język Polski)


The article draws out the parallels between the story presented in Judge Dredd: America (1990) and the contemporary events taking place on the streets of the United States. The comic book itself takes place in the dystopian setting of Mega City One which deprives its citizens of freedom, self-determination, and takes away their hope for a better tomorrow. The immigrants, presented in the comic book, who are dreaming of realizing their American Dream, instead, fi nd themselves living an American nightmare. The similarities between the comic book and the previously published V for Vendetta are noted, as both novels have had a strong influence on the deheroisation of the protagonist of a superhero comic book, particularly in relation to the European comic book (1985–1990). Here, the morally ambiguous figure of Judge Dredd is relegated to the background, and the plot itself, as well as further research discussion, focuses on the characters of America Jara and her friend, Bennett Beeny. Their friendship significantly affects the story and the ultimate fate of America. Both of them are harmed by the system based on the superiority of the Judges, whose attitude is often reminiscent of the current actions of the American police, which is particularly interesting in the context of contemporary movements like Black Lives Matter. The authors of Judge Dredd: America provoke their readers to ask questions about the meaning of freedom, the place of an individual in a society whose actions are normalized and restricted by law, and even to rebellion against an oppressive authority. The article concludes by considering the meaning of democracy in modern socjety.