
Tom 60 (2021)

The factors that cause the misjudgement in questioned document examination: Extraneous marks and deteriorating factors

Strony: 153-160



Artificial defects on the documents can be classified into two categories: extraneous marks and deteriorating factors. Identifying and categorizing artificial defects of the examined document and determining some critical unforeseen details are the aims of this study. Real case samples were collected from our archive and examined. It was found that 41 out of total 100 cases include either extraneous marks or deteriorating factors.

Zasady cytowania

Yılmaz, A. Şen, Sutlu, Özge G., & Aşıcıoğlu, F. (2022). The factors that cause the misjudgement in questioned document examination: Extraneous marks and deteriorating factors. Nowa Kodyfikacja Prawa Karnego, 60, 153–160.