Neerlandica Wratislaviensia <p>Czasopismo „Neerlandica Wratislaviensia” jest najstarszym niderlandystycznym czasopismem naukowym w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej. Do obszarów badawczych czasopisma należą szeroko rozumiane językoznawstwo, literaturoznawstwo oraz kulturoznawstwo niderlandzkie. Autorzy publikowanych tu artykułów prowadzą badania konfrontatywne porównujące struktury języka niderlandzkiego z innymi językami oraz badania z dziedziny językoznawstwa stosowanego. Na łamach czasopisma publikowane są też artykuły poświęcone literaturze i kulturze wieków dawnych oraz literaturze czasów nowszych, aż po XXI wiek.</p> pl-PL Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0100 OJS 60 “Interculturele competenties.” Dé competenties van de 21ste eeuw <p>In today’s globalised world, we should develop intercultural competence in order to be able to communicate with culturally different partners without obstacles and in a spirit of openness and respect (Council of Europe). For decades, intercultural competence has been present in scientific research in the field of business or foreign language teaching. However, there is a relatively low number of publications intended for the public. The book <em>Interculturele competenties</em> (Noordhoff 2022) by Patrick T.H.M. Janssen fills this gap. Its main goal is to discuss in an accessible way the most important findings concerning intercultural competence and intercultural communication.</p> Mikołaj Buczak Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Mikołaj Buczak Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0100 21 perspectieven om Nederland te bekijken <p>The latest book by Piotr Oczko, <em>Pocztówka z Mokum. </em><em>21 opowieści o Holandii</em> (Postcard from Mokum, 21 stories about Holland) is a very intriguing and very personal view of the Netherlands. This view, presented in 21 essays, shows a wealth of cultural layers in the past and in modern society: from art and poetry of the Golden Age, through architecture to homosexuality. In his book, Oczko also presents his personal view of the Polish society A.D. 2021, and expresses his ‘discomfort’ about it (to use the words of Marieke Lucas Rijneveld). Oczko’s <em>Pocztówka</em>... is not an ‘everyday’ book. Still, it is definitely worth reading.</p> Stefan Kiedroń Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Stefan Kiedroń Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Praktische gids voor het Nederlands in België en Nederland <p>Are Dutch and Flemish the same languages or totally different ones? The majority of students of Dutch as foreign language are definitely able to hear a difference in pronunciation but the rest remains rather undiscovered. Miet Ooms’s book <em>Buurtaal</em> means ‘neighbour language’ and focuses on differences and similarities between Dutch in the Netherlands and Dutch in Belgium (Flanders). This guide is written in plain language and is a must-read not only for linguists or natives but for every person who learns Dutch. Furthermore, it is also intended for people who work on adapting the texts for the Belgian or Dutch markets.</p> Beata Popławska Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Beata Popławska Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Zijn er in het Nederlands echt zoveel onregelmatige werkwoorden? Een pleidooi tegen de discriminatie van sterke werkwoorden <p>This contribution discusses the problem of the allegedly ‘irregular’ strong verbs in Dutch, being a plea for correct terminological use in grammar. Strong verbs belong to the basic vocabulary of Dutch, being mostly verbs that concern everyday life such as eating, sleeping and walking. They have a regular structure and the label ‘irregular’ makes the average second language learner automatically think ‘oh, this must be difficult’. First, this contribution examines how Dutch linguists have looked at strong verbs over the centuries. Then, the presentation of strong verbs in recent linguistic and pedagogical works will be discussed to come finally to a conclusion and to some proposals.</p> Wilken Engelbrecht Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Wilken Engelbrecht Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0100 De variatie van de Nederlandse diminutieve allomorfie: een empirische benadering <p>This article deals with the variation of diminutive forms in contemporary standard Dutch. Various aspects of the Dutch diminutive are well-documented in the literature. However, there is a distinct lack of empirical research in connection with the variation of the diminutive forms. The article provides a brief overview of diminutive formation in Dutch as well as an account of a corpus-based study examining a group of words that exhibit variation in their diminutive forms in contemporary standard Dutch, namely monosyllabic words ending in either a non-coronal stop or a velar fricative preceded by a short vowel. The goal of the study is to provide insight on the behaviour of the diminutive forms of these stems.</p> Borbála Gőcze Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Borbála Gőcze Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Ml@h-methode in Nederlands-Poolse tweetalige opvoeding op een specifiek voorbeeld – een exploratieve case-study <p>The strategy of raising a bilingual child, also known as family language policy (FLP), has been the subject of linguistic, psychological or sociological research for many years. One way of raising bilinguals in a family environment is the minority language at home strategy (ml@h), which is often chosen by parents who live outside their home country and both speak a minority language. Parents speak to each other and to the child in their native language and the second language is acquired by the child in situations outside the home. In this article, I will present not only theoretical considerations of bilingual upbringing but also the perspective of a person who was raised bilingually (Dutch and Polish). Opinions and reflections gathered by an individual in-depth interview will provide a glimpse of growing up in a bilingual environment from the perspective of a now-adult child. In the case described, the strategy had a positive effect. This was influenced by the parents’ conscious choice of a bilingual upbringing strategy and its consistent application, supporting the child in learning the grammar and stylistics of the minority language and providing the child with contact with the minority language before going to school.</p> Louise van Wijgerden-Bachta Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Louise van Wijgerden-Bachta Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0100 “Doe wat ik schrijf, anders gaat zij eraan…” Contrastieve analyse van anonieme brieven in het Pools en in het Nederlands <p>This article deals with the topic of anonymous extortion letters. Anonymous extortion letters are a challenge for linguists and criminal intelligence services and raise a whole range of questions that ultimately allow a creation of the psycholinguistic portrait of the possible author/-perpetrator. One of these questions concerns the emotional layer of the anonymous letter and the way anonymous authors express their emotions in language. This article describes a specific type of speech genre, which is anonymous extortion letter and analyses, in short, emotions in language. The last part presents the author’s own research, focusing on the characteristics of simulated and falsified extortion letters in the Dutch and Polish languages.</p> Anna Witczak Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Anna Witczak Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0100 “Na dokładkę nog even dit.” Overeenkomsten en verschillen tussen de classificaties van partikels in de Poolse en in de Nederlandse traditie van partikelstudie <p>The aim of this paper is to present the characterisation of the category of Dutch and Polish particles and to compare the taxonomy of particles in Dutch and Polish linguistics. This article also provides an overview of approaches to particles taken in both linguistics areas with the aim of identifying their convergent points and suggesting a framework for a contrastive analysis. It appears that the specific relation between distinguished subcategories of particles in Dutch and Polish and the commensurability between the counterparts of individual particles in these two languages remain to be discerned but the findings made so far for both languages are significant and comparable enough to establish a basis for further contrastive research.</p> Kamila Tomaka Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Kamila Tomaka Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Vaste combinaties van werkwoorden met voorzetsels in het Nederlands en het Tsjechisch <p>This paper describes the results of a pilot contrastive study that focused on the differences and similarities between Dutch combinations of verbs with fixed prepositions and their Czech equivalents. Since the use of the correct prepositions in the combinations with verbs belongs to the typical learning problem of Czech students of Dutch as a foreign language, the results of the research can help clarify the causes of these difficulties. The pilot study showed that the majority of Dutch constructions have an equivalent construction with a fixed preposition in Czech. Only more than a tenth of the Czech equivalents do not contain a preposition. However, the bigger issue for students may be the fact that one Dutch preposition can correspond to several Czech prepositions and that some Dutch verbs are combined with various fixed prepositions.</p> Kateřina Křížová Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Kateřina Křížová Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Lambert ten Kate en de fysicotheologie <p>This contribution discusses the work of the Dutch dilettante linguist Lambert Ten Kate (1674–1731), the first scholar to describe the system of Ablaut. It is claimed that ten Kate, who was also active as an amateur naturalist and writer-translator of religious works, took the same approach to all his research. This is a physicotheological view. Physicotheology is a school of theology that emerged at the end of the 17th century and remained popular well into the 18th century, which sought to gain knowledge about God through experimental research and which tried to prove his greatness, omnipotence and wisdom on the basis of hard facts which resulted from experimental research. Ten Kate’s important linguistic works should be seen in this context as an attempt to prove that a thorough analysis of the apparently chaotic language facts would reveal the system behind them. This system has been instilled into man by God and mankind has built it up through his reason.</p> Camiel Hamans Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Camiel Hamans Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0100 The contributions of Idzi Radziszewski, Gommar Michiels and Stefan Wyszyński to research in Dutch Studies at the Catholic University of Lublin in the light of the university’s contacts with the Low Countries (1918–1939) <p>In 1918 a Catholic university (KUL) was founded in the Polish city of Lublin. Idzi Radziszewski (1871–1922), a graduate of the Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven), became the first rector of KUL. The connection with KU Leuven is an important part of the founding narrative of this Polish university. But what about Dutch studies – were they pursued before 1977 (the official beginning of Dutch studies at KUL)? The aim of this article is twofold. First, it examines the extent of the Polish-Dutch and Polish-Flemish academic exchanges between 1918 and 1939, focusing on Polish graduates of Belgian universities working at KUL, KUL scholars visiting Belgium and the Netherlands and Flemish and Dutch scholars employed at KUL. Subsequently, the relationship of the earliest products of the scholarly activities of the leading members of the academic community at KUL with Dutch studies will be assessed: Idzi Radziszewski’s <em>Wszechnica katolicka w Lowanium</em> [The Catholic University in Leuven, 1908], “Ruch flamandzki” [“The Flemish Movement”, 1923] by Gommar Michiels OFMCap and future cardinal and primate of Poland Stefan Wyszyński’s <em>Główne typy akcji katolickiej za granicą</em> [The Main Types of Catholic Action Abroad, 1931]. Of these, Michiels’ article is the most significant monographic contribution to the field of Dutch studies. However, the other two are important works in which the objects of Dutch studies are presented in an interdisciplinary context.</p> Marcin Polkowski Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Marcin Polkowski Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Enkele aspecten van taal, identiteit en stereotypering <p>Everybody belongs to different groups. These groups have common knowledge that is acquired by language that determines the identity of the group. However, this language varies depending on the social background of the members of the group and it has a social meaning. If a language form stands out and can be considered characteristic of a group, this leads to stereotyping. Another form of stereotyping, also called ‘framing’, is not based on language characteristics of a group but is the result of mostly (negative) judgements of opinion makers (e.g. about Muslims). Stereotyping is also described on the basis of the self-image of a group (the Dutch people) and on the basis of the image that foreigners have about this group (including Queen Maxima). Finally, the question is answered whether THE identity exists.</p> Piet van Sterkenburg Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Piet van Sterkenburg Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Vragen rondom de taal Agata Kowalska-Szubert, Zuzanna Czerwonka-Wajda Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Neerlandica Wratislaviensia Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0100