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Rozprawy i artykuły

Tom 9 (2016): Medialne i propagandowe oblicza wojny

Nowa władza, nowe porządki, nowi mówcy. Wzorzec gatunkowy a przemówienia agitacyjne wygłaszane po wyborach do Ukraińskiego Zgromadzenia Narodowego Zachodniej Ukrainy w październiku 1939 roku

  • Helena Sojka-Masztalerz
30 października 2018


New rule, new order, new speakers — about agitation speeches after elections to the Ukrainian National Assembly in October 1939

Political speeches delivered by delegates after elections to the Ukrainian National Assembly were analysed in the paper. The structure of these speeches was discussed and the significance of the agitation speech as one of the most important propaganda texts based mainly on the adaptation and integration function was indicated. The language means used by the privileged speaker to impose his vision of the world were outlined.