Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski pl-PL Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:00:00 +0100 OJS 60 Pomorze Zachodnie w 1300 roku — ludnościowy aspekt władzy <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Western Pomerania in 1300 &mdash; the population aspect of power</strong><br /><br />In every historical period there were many individuals who exercised varying degrees of authority. The aim of the paper is to determine how many people in power there were in Western Pomerania in 1300. Representatives of society who can be regarded as belonging to this group must be selected methodically. What is needed first of all is a precise definition of the territory of Western Pomerania in 1300 &mdash; lands that were ruled by dukes from the Griffin dynasty. Then, since the data for the year 1300 are fragmentary, it is necessary to take into account sources concerning the years before and after 1300. Of prime importance is information regarding the last decade of the 13th century and the first decade of the 14th century. On the basis of the above assumptions the author has identified a group of 784 people. Of these, 481 individuals were laypeople dukes, counts, court and local officials, knights who were dukes&rsquo; closest confidants and village heads, and 303 &mdash; members of the clergy a bishop, canons, abbots, priors, abbesses and parish priests.</p> Krzysztof Guzikowski Prawa autorskie (c) Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:00:00 +0100 Ludność rzymskokatolickiej parafii Koropiec w latach 1704–1775 <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>The population of the Roman Catholic parish of Koropets </strong></p><p style="text-align: justify;">Koropets lies about 160 km south-east of Lviv. In the period in question the parish comprised a town and four villages on both sides of the Dniester River. The region was characterised by a varied population structure &mdash; the inhabitants included Ukrainians, Poles as well as some Jews. The article deals with the Roman Catholic parish of Koropets in 1704&ndash;1775. Parameters that can be captured in the sources are monthly seasonalities of marriages and births. Both parameters were strongly correlated with the church and agricultural calendars. The biggest number of marriages took place in February, January and November, while the biggest number of births came in January, February and March. There was also a decrease in the number of conceptions during the period of intense agricultural work, i.e. between July and November. An analysis of territorial mobility of newlyweds reveals a tendency to look for a spouse in the home village or in its vicinity &mdash; an overwhelming majority of marriages were between people living in villages situated no more than 15 km apart. An important phenomenon in the region was that of Catholic inter-ritual marriages &mdash; 15% of all marriages in the analysed parish &mdash; as well as the custom of water baptisms. In Roman Catholic registers they constituted 4.6% of all registered baptisms.</p> Konrad Rzemieniecki Prawa autorskie (c) Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:00:00 +0100 The impact of smallpox and vaccination in Northern Germany in 18th and 19th centuries <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>The impact of smallpox and vaccination in Northern Germany in the 18th and 19th centuries</strong><br /><br />In Germany, like in other parts of Europe, vaccination has traditionally been considered as a success story, but recent research has led to some doubts about its true effects. Although the demographic impact of this innovation is the most important criterion for its evaluation, a larger statistical research into the matter has never been carried out. The present article provides one remedy in the form of an analysis based on contemporary statistical material from Northern Germany, especially Prussia, concerning the period between the Seven Years&rsquo; War and the 1840s. Calculations from the literature of that time have also been taken into consideration. The results show impressive direct and indirect effects of vaccination on demographic growth in Germany. Its main agent was a decline of child mortality with all its consequences, in particular a larger number of adults entering a far more deregulated matrimonial market, but, to some degree, probably also an improved health statusof these generations.</p> Rolf Gehrmann Prawa autorskie (c) Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:00:00 +0100 Toward a conceptual framework for the variation in historical family and household systems across Eurasia <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Toward a conceptual framework for the variation in historical family and household systems across Eurasia</strong><br /><br />Recognising the unprecedented opportunities for new developments in the comparative analysis of domestic groups and living arrangements in historic Eurasia, the essay proposes a broader conceptual framework which could be useful to scholars engaged in large-scale attempts to situate historical household patterns within multilevel associations, and to embed contextual influences in diverse spatial circumstances. Drawing on considerations from anthropology, sociology, history, demography and other disciplines &mdash; like cultural ecology or even sociobiology &mdash; the author of the essay introduces a heuristic device which can be applied to a wide variety of regional studies of family organisation. The conceptual framework proposed here could be used in future studies to organise the growing and disparate empirical evidence on family and household systems, and thus could help future scholars to provide better answers to the most pertinent research questions of the discipline.</p> Mikołaj Szołtysek Prawa autorskie (c) Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:00:00 +0100 Napływ duchowieństwa rzymskokatolickiego na Pomorze Zachodnie w latach 1945–1956 <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>The influx of Roman Catholic clergy into Western Pomerania in 1945&ndash;1956</strong><br /><br />Drawing on a database comprising 397 records &mdash; each of which corresponds to one priest &mdash; the author has analysed the settlement of Roman Catholic priests in Western Pomerania after the Second World War. She has determined the dynamics of the movement of priests as well as their origins, and has compared the number of priests in the region with those in the other apostolic administrations in the western and northern regions of Poland. In addition, she has attempted to describe the clerical community on the basis of opinions about priests expressed by the faithful and secular authorities. <br />Her analysis shows that despite a constant growth the number of priests remained insufficient with regard to the needs of people living in the region. The priests came to Western Pomerania not because they wanted to, but, usually, because they were told to do so by their superiors. This influenced the quality of their pastoral work, as did a sense of transitoriness, frequent transfers from parish to parish and unregulated legal situation of the Church in the western part of Poland. Nevertheless, between 1945 and 1956 Western Pomerania almost completely changed its religious nature, a process to which the priests working there undoubtedly contributed.</p> Marta Cichocka Prawa autorskie (c) Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:00:00 +0100 Spis Ormian ze Stanisławowa z 1739 roku <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>The 1739 Armenian population register from Stanisław&oacute;w</strong><br /><br />The aim of the author is to present the 1739 population register of Armenians from Stanisław&oacute;w and to determine the number of Armenians living in the city in the 18th century. His archive research comprised court records from Stanisław&oacute;w as well as birth, marriage and death registers of the Armenian Catholic parish in Stanisław&oacute;w.<br />In the 18th century the number of Armenians living in Stanisław&oacute;w was at least 200 and never went above 400. According to the 1739 population register, the Armenians owned 65 houses. The Armenian population register from Stanisław&oacute;w is important for demographic and genealogical studies, because there are very few sources produced by the administration in the south-eastern part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth before its first partition.<br />The number of Armenians living in Stanisław&oacute;w 200&ndash;400 was substantial in comparison with the total number of Armenians living in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 3000&ndash;4000.</p> Andrzej Gliński Prawa autorskie (c) Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:00:00 +0100 Spisy ludności rzymskokatolickiej parafii Tartaków z lat 1787 i 1789 <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>The 1787 and 1789 population registers of the Roman Catholic parish of Tartakiv</strong><br /><br />The town of Tartakiv, once the centre of a Roman Catholic parish, is located about 70 km north of Lviv. The parish comprised thirteen towns and villages. The analysed populations registers of the Roman Catholic parish of Tartakiv are records of Easter penitents in 1787 and 1789. The two surviving registers, from not too distant periods, published side by side make it possible to follow changes occurring in households over a period of two years and to note issues which are not visible or significant when just one register is used. There are slight differences in the spelling of Christian names and surnames in both documents as well as in records concerning the same relatives, which significantly change their relation to the head of the household and the kinship structure of the household. For example, a 1787 entry lists the head of a household with his wife, daughter, son and son-in-law. In the second register the son turns out to be the grandson of the head of the household. Another household comprised, in addition to the head of the household and his wife, a male servant as well as a female servant and her daughter. Two years later the male servant is no longer there, the female&rsquo;s servant daughter turns out to be the daughter of the head of the household and the servant herself &mdash; his sister.</p> Konrad Rzemieniecki Prawa autorskie (c) Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:00:00 +0100 Historische Büchlein i Geheime Finanz Bücher jako przykłady źródeł do dziejów społeczeństwa miejskiego na Pomorzu Pruskim w II połowie XVIII wieku <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Historische B&uuml;chlein and Geheime Finanz B&uuml;cher as examples of sources for the study of urban society in Prussian Pomerania in the second half of the 18th century</strong><br /><br />The aim of the article is to demonstrate the value of Historische B&uuml;chlein and Geheime Finanz B&uuml;cher in the study of demography and society in Pomerania in the 18th century. The author points to the similarities and differences between the two book series. Analysing the facts presented in the sources, the author tries to draw more general conclusions.<br />The authors present the structure of the books and their changes in terms of their content over the years. In addition, the authors discuss the way statistical data are presented in the books.<br />The analysed series of Prussian official statistics books from the 18th century are an extremely valuable source for the study &mdash; in various respects &mdash; of urban society in Pomerania during the reign of Frederick II and his successors.</p> Radosław Gaziński, Paweł Gut Prawa autorskie (c) Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:00:00 +0100 Ostre choroby zakaźne na Pomorzu Zachodnim w latach 1945–1947 na przykładzie malarii i duru brzusznego <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Acute infectious diseases in Western Pomerania in 1945&ndash;1947 as exemplified by cases of malaria and typhoid fever</strong><br /><br />The article examines the incidence of two acute infectious diseases: malaria and typhoid fever. The diseases spread across Western Pomerania in 1945&ndash;1947.<br />The incidence is analysed on the basis of archive documents kept in the Central Archives of Modern Records in Warsaw and the State Archives in Szczecin. They include all kinds of reports, statistical data, as well as documents of varying scientific value.<br />The dynamics of the spread of the analysed diseases were typical of epidemics. The incidence peaked in 1945&ndash;1947. In the case of malaria, a vast majority of cases were recorded among settlers in the analysed region. In Western Pomerania nearly 1/3 of the settlers came from the former eastern territories of the Second Polish Republic, making up a &ldquo;higher risk group&rdquo;. On the other hand, typhoid fever was a big problem among the Germans in Western Pomerania, more susceptible and not resistant to the disease, because before WWII it had practically been unknown in the region.<br />Both malaria and typhoid fever are examples of typical post-war epidemics in a region made specific on account of huge population migrations.</p> Urszula Kozłowska Prawa autorskie (c) Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:00:00 +0100 Demografia historyczna na Słowacji na przełomie XX i XXI wieku <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Historical demography in Slovakia in the late 20th and early 21st century</strong><br /><br />The first demographic studies in Slovakia emerged before the Second World War and dealt mainly with the ethnic diversity of the population living in the Slovak-Hungarian border region. A revival in Slovak historical demography research came in the late 20th century. There emerged studies devoted to population growth in the pre-statistical age. Scholars studied the development of settlement as well as its impact on the natural environment. Most recent studies also deal with more recent history of Slovakia, especially in the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century &mdash; they examine demographic processes and population structure, and are based on censuses from 1919, 1938 and 1940.<br />In Slovakia demographic research is a supplement to historical research more than anything else. There are no studies using the aggregation method and the family reconstruction method. However, research conducted over the last few years by a new generation of historians, demographers, sociologists and ethnographers provides a basis for setting a new direction in historical-demographic research in Slovakia.</p> Pavol Tišliar, Ján Golian Prawa autorskie (c) Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:00:00 +0100 Strony redakcyjne i spis treści wuwr wuwr Prawa autorskie (c) Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:00:00 +0100 Informacja dla Autorów wuwr wuwr Prawa autorskie (c) Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:00:00 +0100