O Karolu Modzelewskim — historyku, działaczu politycznym, przyjacielu, słów kilka


  • Henryk Samsonowicz


Karol Modzelewski: historian, homme politique, and friend. Several remarks


Article treats on both aspects of Professor Modzelewski’s endeavours. With respect to his political accomplishments, Samsonowicz returns to earlier years, stressing the inspirational role of Modzelewski’s speeches for the forming of the political opposition in Poland after 1956: their goals, slogans, and their style in general. He notices also the courage and consistency of Professor Modzelewski, who functioned for many years under the pressure of severe police repressions. Discussing the scientific field, Samsonowicz points out that Modzelewski has numerous achievements in reconstructing Polish the issue of the political and economic system of the early Piast monarchy and European history research on Italy under Lombard domination, and on the formation of European states and nations within the process of mutual infiltration of the late–classical and the “barbarian” civilisations of the Germans, Slavs, Finno–Ugric and Baltic peoples.


