Prace Literackie <p>„Prace Literackie” są recenzowanym czasopismem naukowym wydawanym przez Instytut Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Ukazują się od grudnia 1956 roku. „Prace Literackie” są czasopismem o profilu literaturoznawczym, uwzględniającym szerokie konteksty interpretacyjne literatury polskiej i światowej.</p> <p>ISSN: 0079-4767</p> pl-PL Wed, 15 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 OJS 60 Choroba i paradygmaty izolacji na przykładzie wybranych bohaterów biblijnych <p>Illness and its consequences, as an integral part of human life, are often presented in biblical accounts. The Bible, however, puts the main focus of interest not on the depiction of the dramatic experience of the individual but rather on the theological interpretation of disease as a righteous punishment for sin. Hence, except for the Book of Job, the description of man’s suffering is one-sided, concise and laconic.</p> <p>Descriptions of isolation are another matter. The examples analysed in this article — Job, King David, Jesus of Nazareth, st. Elizabeth, the anonymous daughter of Jephthah, John the Baptist and the Hebrews during their journey to Canaan — illustrate various models of experiencing the phenomenon of isolation. They can be assigned to three paradigms: isolation–alienation, isolation–integration, as well as isolation–crisis–rebellion.</p> <p>Due to the specific nature of the literary genre, this paper is based on the narrative books of the Bible. The Book of Psalms and prophetic books were excluded from this analysis.</p> Mariusz Linik OFM Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Wed, 15 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Juliusza Słowackiego dwa wiersze „kwarantannowe” <p>The article concerns two poems by Juliusz Słowacki, written during two quarantine periods during his trip to the Middle East and the Holy Land. Although underestimated and overlooked by researchers, they are worthy of academic attention not only because of their preoccupation with conditions of travel and isolation which inform their background, but also because they precede other poetic letters from this journey, written long after its completion. As such, they retain the value of “live recorings”, written under the influence of current sensations and impressions. The first of them — <em>Do Zenona Brzozowskiego</em> — dedicated to a travel mate he journeyed with during his New Year’s expedition through the desert of El-Arish, stylized as an occasional congratulatory poem. The poem, which contains an expressive <em>memento mori</em>, alludes to a mysterious, life-threatening event. The second of the letters, <em>Z listu do księgarza</em> (written in July of 1837 during the final quar-antine while shipbound to the Italian port of Livorno), was addressed to Eustachy Januszkiewicz. Not only is it a kaleidoscopic summary of the journey (on which especially the stay in Egipt left an indelible mark), but also a demonstrative announcement of the return — including declarations of increased activity and competition in the literary field.</p> Magdalena Jonca Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Mon, 13 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Listy Tomasza Zana z więzienia. Czy w izolacji można pisać rozdziałki? <p>The article attempts to investigate in what way Tomasz Zan’s works changed as a result of author’s experience of isolation while being imprisoned. <em>Rozdziałki</em>, a genre original to the author, develop parallelly with Zan’s biography. They reflected the feeling of loneliness and other circumstances of his time in prison by measures such as the poetics of dreams and imagination, the use of a specific literary codes and elements of grotesque. The analysis of Zan’s works written in prison leads to the conclusion that the author’s attitude towards literature evolved during his life, and especially as a result of his imprisonment.</p> Anna Pisula Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Wed, 15 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 „Poezje polsko-amerykańskie” Pawła Gawrzyjelskiego (1882) <p>The article is devoted to the literary achievement of Paweł Gawrzyjelski (1844?–1889), the author of a volume of poetry<em> Odgłos z za morza. Poezye polsko-amerykańskie</em> [<em>Sounds from overseas. Polish-American poems</em>] (Chicago 1882). This collection discusses some questions related to psychological and ethical problems of the Polish people in the USA in the 19th century. The content of the volume is presented in the context of other poetry published in “Gazeta Polska w Chicago” [Polish Daily in Chicago] between 1870 and 1890 (this is where Gawrzyjelski’s work was published for the first time). “Gazeta” emphasized the importance of Polish history and hopes for regaining independence. The Polish diaspora was expected to support this cause. Gawrzyjelski’s poetry stands out as he depicted a situation of an expat who will never go back to his homeland. He found it difficult to settle down in the USA; he expressed longing for Poland and could not accept the materialistic approach to life prevalent among Americans in his time. Gawrzyjelski’s pessimism and neurasthenia have likely contributed to his suicide.</p> Aleksandra Budrewicz Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Wed, 15 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Uczucia izolowane w kilku impresjach poetycko-muzycznych <p>The article is an attempt to analyze Adam Asnyk’s poem Enchanted Princess. The paper focuses on the musical adaptation of said work, the melody to which was composed by Mieczysław Karłowicz. Karłowicz’s interest in Asnyk’s poetry was probably spurred by Julia Wieleżyńska. In one of her letters she cites an anecdote confirming Asnyk’s terrible shyness towards women, as well as his inclination towards isolation and distancing himself (even from his closest friends and relations). Wieleżyńska has also mentioned his very particular taste in literature. The woman, portrayed by Asnyk, was an elusive being, unblemished by any physical contact. Both Asnyk and Karłowicz were partial to the solitary contemplation of nature, which might suggest a particular distrust of other people. The eponymous fairy-tale princess could be just a part of a specific, self-therapeutic writing technique (especially with regard to morbidly shy men who are emotionally dependent on their mothers, as was the case with Karłowicz).</p> Małgorzata Łoboz Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Wed, 15 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Człowiek w przestrzeni wyizolowanej. O kilku wizjach zamkniętego świata w utworach Bolesława Prusa <p>The purpose of this paper is to present different depictions of the microcosm and macrocosm in the works of Boleslaw Prus representing various literary genres. In his literary imagery the author of<em> Lalka</em> (<em>The Doll</em>) exceptionally often creates enclaves abstracted from the vastness of the external world, which overwhelms with its size and the multitude of references. With regard to Balzac’s idea of realism, an attempt has been made to define the nature of the boundaries dividing the protagonist’s inner universe, which is inscribed in a specific framework of its own milieu. Based on anthropological references, horizontal and vertical factors differentiating the two realities have been pointed out. The mutual dependencies conditioning the perception of the world from the perspective of the protagonist and the reader were also highlighted. The imaginary unity of the immediate space becomes a guarantee of understanding the rules and worldviews of the milieus inhabiting it. The microworld turns out to be isolating and protective at the same time, which ambivalently creates the sphere of sacrum: it becomes close, tame, “one’s own,” securing and protecting; however, it can also be besetting, limiting and exclusive. Thus, questions were raised pertaining to the boundaries of freedom and the consequences of violating hermeticity.</p> Elżbieta Lubczyńska-Jeziorna Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Wed, 15 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Izolacja a transgresja w „Solaris” Stanisława Lema <p>Stanislaw Lem’s <em>Solaris</em> is a multi-threaded novel that contains complex and ambiguous literary and psychological constructs. One such issue is transgression as a possible consequence of an encounter with aliens. This thesis is an analysis of the process of transgression, its causes and consequences. Isolation is an important issue in Lem’s work, as it is a means to negate earthly laws. The isolated protagonist, when experiencing contact with aliens, does not function within the framework of earthly axiology and logic. The combination of isolation and transgression allows us to identify the relationship between these states and directs attention to the transformation of the protagonists, which touches the essence of their nature.</p> Jan Krzywdziński Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Wed, 15 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Schizofrenia we „Wróżeniu z wnętrzności” Wita Szostaka <p>The article is a close reading of Wit Szostak’s „Haruspicy”. The novel is told from the first-person perspective, by an autistic narrator, whose alienation is a result of a psychotic crisis. The protagonist, who did not speak for several years, slowly starts his movement towards the world, mediated by language. This return is represented as “writing in whispers,” from which the narrative of the novel originates. The story design may be understood as an exemplification of Jacques Lacan’s psychoanalytical theories, as the protagonist manages to deal with the world only so far as he remains in a mirroring identification with his twin brother. As soon as this relation breaks down, the psychosis relapses.</p> Jan Potkański Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Wed, 15 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 „Mandat jest świeca, prawo jest światłość, a droga żywota gromienie karności”, czyli rola przepisów prawnych w ujęciu Piotra Skargi (na podstawie „Kazań sejmowych”) <p>The concepts of Piotr Skarga, contained in the<em> Sejm Sermons</em>, make him appear to us not so much as a priest and theologian, but as an outstanding lawyer with extensive knowledge in his field. This Jesuit preacher, however, was not a jurist by training, although in his work he establishes the definition of law and introduces distinctions between its variations. Skarga believed that the creation of normative acts should be commissioned only by persons who have specific knowledge and expertise. Moreover, in his opinion, the proper functioning of the state is not be possible without the application of a fair laws, equal to all. It is worth noting that unjust laws are mentioned by the Jesuit preacher in the<em> Sejm Sermons</em> as one of the six diseases of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.</p> Anna Maciejewska Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Wed, 15 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 „Idée sur les romans” Donatiena Alphonse’a Françoisa de Sade’a. Rozważania na temat utworu <p>The article shows the wider literary context of the epoch and defines the creative inspirations of the author in past and historic events. <em>An Essay on Novels</em>, servings as the introduction to the collection of short stories <em>The Crimes of Love</em> (1800), is discussed in a broader, holistic context of a publication containing 11 titles. Sade’s definition of the novel is presented and analyzed, from an outline developed by him of the history of literature from ancient Egypt to the present and his prediction of the future, and the most important motives and attributes of fictional works through-out history were enumerated in accordance with his guidelines. The rules of writing that Sade formulated in relation to the works of Samuel Richardson and Henry Fielding are another subject discussed here. De Sade’assessment of the work by contemporary writers and his literary forecasts were juxtaposed with the romantic features of the coming era: the desire for freneticism and horror caused by the French Revolution. The text is presented in a broader historical context of the 1800s (M. Milewska, <em>Vinegar and Tears</em>) and a comparative one with references to the works and literary thought of Polish writers (M. Janion, <em>Romantyzm, rewolucja, marksizm. Colloquia gdańskie</em>). The article also draws attention to footnotes penned by de Sade and his reflections on the contemporary book market. The aim here is to gain a deeper understanding of the writings of the Marquis and show his deep knowledge of literature.</p> Ewelina Sochacka Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Wed, 15 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Dwaj mężczyźni na drodze. Trójkąty erotyczne w twórczości Marka Hłaski <p>The main goal of this paper was to present relations between men in Marek Hłasko’s prose in the framework informed by new perspectives on gender, men’s studies and René Girard’s interpretation of the concept of a love triangle. At first sight the characters are connected only by male brotherhood and inseparable friendship. Homoeroticism and relationships bordering on pederasty are hidden behind the veil of close companionship. However, tightening bonds within male homosocial relations between characters resulted in a deepening sense of isolation and the desire to escape. The interpretation of selected extracts led me to the conclusion that male figures in Hłasko’s writings are not, as previously presumed, merely prisoners of the stereotyped modes of behavior engendered in biological sex.</p> Dominika Kobiałka Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Wed, 15 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Człowiek jako istota dramatyczna w poezji Jacka Łukasiewicza <p>The following article is an initial part of research, the main aim of which is to identify and develop the artistic, critical, literary and scientific achievements of Jacek Petelenz-Łukasiewicz (1934–2021). The current text concerns the insufficiently penetrated area of the writer’s creative activity, namely his poetry. It turns out that this creativity draws on the many different philosophical systems and currents, and its core is broadly understood personalism. The author tries to reach the philosophical foundations of this poetry. The main thesis of the article is the conclusion that the characters located in the intra-textual worlds of Łukasiewicz‘s poetry are, in a deep ontological sense, “dramatic creatures,” defined by three basic factors: opening to the dramatic stage, opening to another person, opening to the passing time. On the basis of these observations, the author concludes that there are numerous parallels between Jacek Łukasiewicz‘s poetry and the Józef Tischner’s philosophy of drama.</p> Krzysztof Garczarek Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Wed, 15 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Literackie doświadczenia izolacji. Słowo wstępne Małgorzata Łoboz Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Wed, 15 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Usłyszeć ciszę <p>Richard Rohr is one of the most recognizable Franciscan preachers of our time. Even though he could be described as hermit, he did not choose to live in total isolation, neither form the world, nor from people. He is an active preacher in his religious community, as well as the author of more than thirty books that have been translated into several languages. In all of his published works one could notice his innovative method of contemplative spirituality, inspired by various schools of thought: Buddhism, Hinduism, Gandhi’s teachings, but also by Thomas Merton. In the book discussed in this review, the author suggests that silence is not a state of inertia, but rather an encouragement to action. To describe silence as a “form of intelligence” is to confirm its status as an excellence that could only be find in creative acts.</p> Alan Tomasz Brzyski OFM Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Wed, 15 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Czuły narrator, czuły czytelnik. Kilka uwag o literackim świecie Olgi Tokarczuk na podstawie „Czułego narratora” <p>Olga Tokarczuk’s <em>Czuły narrator</em> is composed of twelve essays written at different stages of her life. In one of them she presents her original concept of<em> ognosis</em>. It denotes a striving for a holistic approach to all areas of life. The writer also introduces the category of a tender narrator who tells a story while emphatizing with all living or unliving beings, thus viewing (and presenting) the world from different points of view. Tokarczuk also speaks about the great importance of literary fi ction and her method of writing stories. She tackles important social issues such an animal rights and social exclusion. Her works teach us to be more attentive and tender readers. And in the Nobel Prize acceptance speech, she presents her own, subjective diagnosis of the contemporary world.</p> Adrianna Graca Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Wed, 15 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100