Linguistica2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiegowuwr@wuwr.plOpen Journal Systems<p>„Studia Linguistica” ukazują się pod patronatem Instytutu Filologii Germańskiej Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Profil czasopisma obejmuje problematykę z szeroko rozumianego językoznawstwa ogólnego i porównawczego. Oczekujemy artykułów językoznawczych dotyczących badań nad jednym językiem lub badań porównawczych, które powinny wpisywać się w następujące obszary badawcze: językoznawstwo ogólne i porównawcze, językoznawstwo historyczne, pragmatyka, semantyka, nauka o komunikacji, translatoryka i glottodydaktyka.</p> semantic categories WE and THEY in the discourse of Polish mothers on the Internet2024-05-10T17:02:28+02:00Emilia Bań<p>The author analyzes mothers’ statements in selected Facebook discussion groups to investigate the categories WE and THEY in the mothers’ discourse on the Internet. The aim of the article is to analyze the collective identity of mothers – how they perceive themselves, how they perceive their social environment, who belongs to the mothers’ close and distant social context, and when THEY become hostile. The data analyzed, primarily includes texts in which the personal pronouns referring to the semantic categories WE and THEY (my ‘we’, nas ‘us’, oni ‘they’, ich ‘them’) appear. The analysis of the data from the two discussion groups has shown that there is no single distinct discourse of mothers but multiple discourses in which various factors, such as the group characteristics and the members’ interests, have an impact on their worldview and child rearing.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00Prawa autorskie (c) 2025 Emilia Bańczyk de perception sensorielle comme introducteurs des paroles représentées2024-07-03T21:48:33+02:00Elżbieta<p>The subject of this study are the sequences of reported speech with verbs of sensory perception. Our objective is to characterize these forms to place them in the reported speech system. Our analysis is inspired by the descriptions contained in the recent work by Jacqueline Authier-Revuz (2020) which offers a differential approach to the forms of the reported speech. We would like to show in particular that the direct speech containing the verbs of sensory perception is distinguished by important enunciative and syntactic particularities. This is why we can ask ourselves whether it is a clear and simple form of the reported speech or, linked to the appearance of the verbs of sensory perception, it falls within the scope of the reported speech as a ‘variant’ of the DD in addition.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00Prawa autorskie (c) 2025 Elżbieta Biardzka, Greta Komur-Thilloyörterbuch, Autorenwörterbuch und Wörterbuchhybride. Zu einem Problem der Fachlexikographie2024-04-04T19:45:00+02:00Monika Bieliń<p>Specialized lexicography is an important and dynamically developing branch of lexicography today, and specialized dictionaries are frequently used reference works. Generally speaking, specialised dictionary users form a heterogeneous group–ranging from experts to semi-experts and laypersons. Since every dictionary should meet the needs of its users, a more precise definition of the target group is an important stage in dictionary planning. The situation becomes more complex when a dictionary is a hybrid, which is shown in the article using the example of the ‘Dictionary of Lexicography and Dictionary Research’ (2010–2020), which has the characteristics of both an ordinary specialized dictionary and a specialized author dictionary. An examination of this dictionary from the user’s perspective leads to more general conclusions relevant to specialized lexicography. Even an analysis of the lemma list provides information on whether a specialized dictionary hybrid is useful for all targeted user groups. This is the case if entries that can be assigned to the author dictionary and entries that can be assigned to the specialized dictionary correspond approximately to the same needs and subject-specific competences of the users. A large discrepancy in this respect leads to the utilisation value of the reference work being impaired. It must therefore be considered for each dictionary that has characteristics of two or more dictionary types whether this combination represents added value in terms of user needs.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00Prawa autorskie (c) 2025 Monika Bielińskaędzia i zasoby cyfrowe w perspektywie glottodydaktyki polonistycznej2024-06-14T10:18:22+02:00Krystyna Bojałkowskakry_bo@umk.plIwona Kaproń-Charzyń<p>The paper concerns issues at the intersection of didactics and digital humanities. Its aim is to reflect on the role of digital tools and resources used in Polish language glottodidactics. The text attempts to classify them generally as teaching aids serving specific educational purposes. The results of a survey conducted among students and graduates of Polish Philology as a Foreign Language (at the Faculty of Humanities of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń) are also presented. They show what digital tools and resources are used in teaching and learning Polish as a foreign language at the university level, as well as whether they can influence students’ motivation to learn Polish and serve to develop language competences.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00Prawa autorskie (c) 2025 Krystyna Bojałkowska, Iwona Kaproń-Charzyńska und Unwort des Jahres. Sprache als Spiegelbild gesellschaftspolitischer Prozesse2024-05-18T11:16:02+02:00Peter<p>The Society for the German Language (GfdS) in Wiesbaden has been selecting the word of the year since 1971. The first “winner” in the surveys was the adjective <em>aufmüpfig</em> (‘rebellious’), followed in second and third place by the nouns <em>Junktim</em> and <em>Umweltschutz</em> (‘environmental protection’). 20 years later, the ‘non-word’ of the year was added to the list. The list of non-words was opened in 1991 by the adjective <em>ausländerfrei</em> (‘free of foreigners’). The announcement of the selected terms has since become a public event with far-reaching resonance and sometimes controversial discussions (keyword: ‘semantic battles’). In this article, the author places the topic in the context of linguistic research and describes the socio-economic and day-to-day political background that largely determines the respective selection of words and non-words. Several examples are used to focus on the influence of socio-political circumstances on the use of language (such as the fall of the Berlin Wall and reunification, migration and xenophobia, Russia’s war against Ukraine as a turning point).</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00Prawa autorskie (c) 2025 Peter Chmiel de práctica de la lengua caboverdiana y de A Fala de Xálima. Estudio comparativo2024-02-23T09:13:05+01:00Natalia<p>The aim of this paper is to analyse some aspects of the sociolinguistic situation of the Cape Verdean archipelago, applying the assumptions of the community of practice theory. It is the second part of a broader comparative study juxtaposing two linguistic communities: Xálima and Cape Verdean, through the prism of the same theory. We define the community of practice as an aggregate of people who come together around mutual engagement in an endeavour of preserving and promoting their vernacular language. The empirical material will be a series of anthropological observations and comments on the semi-directed interviews, made in situ by the authors, in which we will compare, for instance, the efforts towards the orthographic standardization of the two systems and their possible effects. We aim to demonstrate that the methodological principle of community of practice is transversal, applicable and suitable to shed new light over diverse sociolinguistic minorized contexts, thus revealing otherwise poorly visible similarities.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00Prawa autorskie (c) 2025 Natalia Czopek, Bartosz Dondelewski dialogowe informujące o emocjach z pola zdziwienia (na materiale współczesnych utworów prozatorskich napisanych w języku polskim, rosyjskim i angielskim)2024-07-08T07:50:42+02:00Daniel<p>The aim of the article is to analyze dialogue replicas communicating emotions from the lexical-semantic field of surprise, retrieved from contemporary prose works written in Polish, Russian and English. Our intention is to show the characteristic formal and pragmatic features of the examined replicas used in Polish, Russian and English prose works, as well as to determine whether there are differences in the communication of surprise across the studied languages that could be justified by their culture-specific properties. Based on the conducted analyses, it is concluded that the examined replicas are characterized by polyfunctionality as they serve several pragmatic functions. They can communicate and express surprise, externalize other emotional states, and exert influence on the interaction partner’s behavior. The preliminary study allows us to assume that the tendency to use specific linguistic constructions in the examined statements has a cultural basis.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00Prawa autorskie (c) 2025 Daniel Dzienisiewiczé linguistique : une quête de clarté et de précision conceptuelle2024-01-23T19:17:05+01:00Paweł Goldapawel.golda@outlook.comNatalia Ż<p>The objective of this paper is to conduct a comprehensive review of synonymous or quasi-synonymous terms related to the phenomenon of inclusive language. The paper defines the concept of linguistic inclusivity, enumerating the analysed terms, and aims to clarify the reasons for the proliferation of terminologies. Additionally, it examines eight techniques designed to avoid the use of generic masculine expressions. The paper takes an analytical approach to characterize nine terms that frequently appear in linguistic literature, identifying which practices may be encompassed within the specified terms.</p>2025-01-08T00:00:00+01:00Prawa autorskie (c) 2025 Paweł Golda, Natalia Żywicka, piwo i knedliki – stereotypy o Czechach w polskiej przestrzeni publicznej (na wybranych przykładach)2024-02-21T11:55:56+01:00Joanna<p>This article focuses on the issue of Czech stereotypes in the Polish public space. Attention was drawn to the meaning and functions of stereotypes as a frame of references, which allow for the assessment, ordering reality and integration of the social groups. Article briefly discusses the most popular stereotypes, paying particular attention to their genesis and their historical conditions and highlighting the stereotypical perception of the Czechs and Czech culture. The analysis showed that Poles look at the Czechs through the prism of humorous and comedic tradition, that is why stereotypes are full of references to the Czech sense of humour, soldier Švejk or Czech comedies. In Poland Hašek’s protagonist Josef Švejk became synonymous with a Czech – cowardly, carefree, valuing peace, fond of alcohol, and his ‘survival at all costs’ strategy could be both alluring and repulsive. The analysis was complemented with the examples of the reflections of national stereotypes in various linguistic phenomena. Polish phraseology with adjective czeski almost automatically receive a negative meaning (eg. <em>czeski film</em>, <em>czeski błąd</em>), while the non-phraseological meaning of above mentioned in Poland is definitely positive.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00Prawa autorskie (c) 2025 Joanna Korbut metaphor: Word-image interactions2024-03-27T08:40:06+01:00Agnieszka Liburawuwr@wuwr.pl2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00Prawa autorskie (c) 2025 Agnieszka Libura