Linguistica2023-12-29T00:00:00+01:00Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiegowuwr@wuwr.plOpen Journal Systems<p>„Studia Linguistica” ukazują się pod patronatem Instytutu Filologii Germańskiej Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Profil czasopisma obejmuje problematykę z szeroko rozumianego językoznawstwa ogólnego i porównawczego. Oczekujemy artykułów językoznawczych dotyczących badań nad jednym językiem lub badań porównawczych, które powinny wpisywać się w następujące obszary badawcze: językoznawstwo ogólne i porównawcze, językoznawstwo historyczne, pragmatyka, semantyka, nauka o komunikacji, translatoryka i glottodydaktyka.</p> Eigenschaften der Funktionsverbgefüge im heutigen Deutsch2023-06-15T09:55:11+02:00Ireneusz<p>Light verb constructions (German Funktionsverbgefüge = FVGs) are complex predicates consisting of a semantically light verb, which has lost its lexical meaning and just has a functional role, and a noun phrase (with or without preposition). The noun occurring in FVGs is an abstract noun derived from a verb and can be combined with another phrasal elements. FVGs are semantically a specific category of noun-verb-phrases between idioms and collocations because they share characteristics with both categories. The paper outlines the topological properties of FVGs, especially of the noun phrases, which are perhaps the most underrated aspect of FVGs and has not been the subject of intense linguistic research. The syntactic function of the noun phrase arouses much controversy in grammatical descriptions and may be cause of language mistakes or even errors. Based on modern linguistic descriptions of FVGs we then focus on the linear position of the noun and its attributes in central-verbal clauses (German Verb-Zweit-Sätze) and in final-verbal clauses (German Verb-Letzt-Sätze) and conditions of the realization of the so-called Nachfeld and Vorfeld syntactic fields.</p>2023-12-29T00:00:00+01:00Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Ireneusz Gaworski« Sésame, ouvre-toi » : internationalisme phraséologique à contenu universel2023-01-16T16:29:12+01:00Paweł Goldapawel.golda@outlook.comOlcay Karabagkarabagolcay@gmail.comJoanna<p>Phraseological units, characterised by their opaque meaning, are the subject of multiple theoretical works. The following article adds to this discussion by providing another interesting example. It analyses the case of the Arabic phraseological unit ‘open sesame’ from the “Ali Baba and the Forty Thievesˮ folk tale, permeating into French, Italian, Polish, Turkish and Japanese – languages distant both linguistically and culturally. In each of the analysed languages, we can find the so-called absolute equivalents of the unit in question. Their analysis shows how a phraseological unit of a meaning rooted in a foreign culture enters a language that initially did not connote <em>sesame</em> with a ‘treasury’. Interestingly, the analysed unit became understandable enough to be re-used in other cultural sources, such as names of public places, or even to enter the target language dictionaries. However, as the corpus analysis suggests, the popularity of the unit in question varies between languages, being the most popular in Italian and the least in Japanese.</p>2023-12-29T00:00:00+01:00Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Paweł Golda, Olcay Karabag, Joanna Ryszka inteligencja w dydaktyce języków obcych (perspektywa interdyscyplinarna)2023-06-21T12:33:55+02:00Magdalena<p>The aim of this article is to present the possibilities of utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) in foreign language didactics, as AI increasingly influences the methods of teaching and learning. The research findings presented, conducted in recent years by scientists from various scientific disciplines, pertain to the potential applications of AI in education and foreign language didactics. They indicate the strengths and weaknesses of AI implementation, as well as the opportunities and risks associated with utilizing and integrating AI into the educational process. The author describes the most frequently mentioned characteristics of AI that support language education and focuses on those features of AI systems that are teacher-oriented, assist in their work, and allow for the individualization of teaching methods.</p>2023-12-29T00:00:00+01:00Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Magdalena Maziarz Sterbebucheintrag als Textsorte. Versuch einer textlinguistischen Analyse anhand von Einträgen in einem Liber Defunctorum aus dem 19. Jahrhundert2023-07-28T16:17:58+02:00Piotr A. Owsiń<p>The paper, involving a textlinguistic analysis, attempts to identify specific features of the Polish administrative language in the entries of the parish register from Busko-Zdrój in the 19th century. The aim of the investigation is to answer the question as to whether the examined annotations can be regarded as a pattern of the registration in a parish register and so as a text type. The author focuses on the structure and characteristics of different entries. The research area defined in such a manner is based on the outlining of structure and the function of the parish registers and their notes.</p>2023-12-29T00:00:00+01:00Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Piotr Owsiński Allgemeine und das Individuelle beim Übersetzen von technischen Fachtexten: ausgewählte Ergebnisse eines Forschungsprojekts2023-07-21T08:38:54+02:00Łukasz<p>As technology and civilisation progress, the communication of technical data is gradually shifting away from the domain of specialists in the field. Automotive technology, the subject of the research project described below, can be seen as an example of this. Motor vehicles, regardless of their power sources, are consolidating its position as the second most expensive type of consumer goods after real estate. It is just one of the reasons for its importance. Vehicles with one, two or more engines have always had to be as efficient as possible. This also applies to the communication processes involved. This state of affairs entails the avoidance of redundant messages and the use of technical terms that lead to all participants in the communication process wanting to call the same thing by a given technical word. What this means is the existence of a vocabulary that is as uniform as possible, lemmatised in technical dictionaries and accepted by specialists in the field. The following article refers to a study in which an attempt was made to check how the target situation outlined above compares with the actual situation, i.e. the current state of affairs. In the context of the translation process, an analysis was made not only of the translations, but also of the process that led to their production. This gave the translator a central position.</p>2023-12-29T00:00:00+01:00Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Łukasz Solarz the generic profile of online news reports: An anthropolinguistic case study of Reuters’ news coverage of the first day of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 20222023-03-14T16:18:32+01:00Marta E.<p>This article offers insight into the generic profile of news media discourse (O’Keeffe 2006:1, Silverstein 2005:7, Van Dijk 2008:94, Kopytowska 2013:379) based on the (Western) online news coverage during the first day of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. It is believed that the generic value of news reportings is realised in patterns which underlie discourse order (Foucault 1972:49), generate its cultural representations (Silverstein 1975:157, Sherzer 1983:11, Chilton 2004:48, Bazerman 2020:152), and construct its social reality (Foley 1997:24, Langacker 2008:21). Advancing the concept of collocates as a tool for establishing lexical patterns in online news reports, examined through a referential lens of anthropological pragmatics (Chruszczewski 2011:50), this paper provides an integrated approach which combines the quantitative method of a concordance-informed discourse analysis (Baker 2006:92) and a qualitative approach which presents how text provides for the context of use through the dimension of media framing (Anshori/Pawito/Tri Kartono/Hastjarjo 2022, Goffman 1986:26).</p>2023-12-29T00:00:00+01:00Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Marta E. Strukowska Morciniec (2023): Historia języka niderlandzkiego [Geschichte der niederländischen Sprache]. Zweite überprüfte und erweiterte Auflage, Wrocław: Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT – Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe, 266 S., Hardcover, ISBN 978-83-7977-758-72023-05-05T09:26:43+02:00Peter Chmielp.chmiel@gmx.de2023-12-29T00:00:00+01:00Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Peter Chmiel Zifonun (2021): Das Deutsche als europäische Sprache. Ein Porträt, Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, 355 S., ISBN 978-3-11-061615-62023-06-07T07:01:57+02:00Lesław Cirkolecirko@poczta.onet.pl2023-12-29T00:00:00+01:00Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Lesław Cirko Morciniec (2023): Słownik terminologii gramatycznej niemiecko-polski [Lexikon grammatischer Fachausdrücke deutsch-polnisch], Wrocław: Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT – Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe, 170 S., Hardcover, ISBN 978-83-7977-680-12023-08-03T21:22:26+02:00Marek Sitekmsitek@uni.opole.pl2023-12-29T00:00:00+01:00Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Marek Sitek