
Vol. 48 (2024)

The power of the trial: an analysis of the impact of strategic litigation on international law in the context of the Kadic v. Karadžić case

Pages: 9-25

PDF (Język Polski)


This article is an attempt to discuss the influence of strategic litigation on the practice of the international law, based on the example of trial Kadic v. Karadžić, which referred to repercussions of the Bosnian civil war. The author begins her deliberations with a brief historical outline of the development of the international law (more precisely, the law of war), with special regard to the concept of genocide. Next, the author analyzes the concept of sexual violence and its use in the context of armed conflicts. Pointing to certain regularities in the international law author analyzes the phenomena of the so-called “male perspective on rights.” In the next part of the article, the author introduces the context and the actual state of the Kadic v. Karadžić case. In the last part of the article, based on the concept of strategic litigation, the author analyzes the strategic nature of the Kadic v. Karadžić trial.


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