
Vol. 9 No. 4 (2014)

Człowiek jako istota patyczna. O antropologicznym wymiarze nowej fenomenologii Hermanna Schmitza

Mariusz Moryń

Pages: 143 - 152


Man as a pathic being — on anthropological dimension of Hermann Schmitz’ New Phenomenology

The article discusses the so-called New Phenomenology, developed by Hermann Schmitz, a contemporary and unfortunately not well known German philosopher, who has authored various original conceptions that arose as radical opposition against Edmund Husserl and his phenomenology. Against this background, the author of this article describes the concept of a human being as a sensitive and feeling existence. According to this theory, human being creates his/her identity through the body Leib. Schmitz understands the “body” not in physiological terms that differ from the body as physical organism. The purpose of this article is,first of all, to critically analyse the assumptions of New Phenomenology: the lack of empirical and intuitive justification for the distinction between “the felt body” Leib and “the physical body” Körper is considered by the author of this article the main weakness of the German philosopher’s theory.