Slavica Wratislaviensia 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Marcin Borowski Open Journal Systems <p align="JUSTIFY">„Slavica Wratislaviensia” publikuje:</p> <p align="JUSTIFY">1. Artykuły naukowe prezentujące wyniki badań z zakresu literatur, kultur, języków, historii i sztuki, myśli filozoficznej narodów słowiańskich oraz teksty o charakterze interdyscyplinarnym, interkulturowym, wpisujące się w kontekst słowiański.</p> <p align="JUSTIFY">2. Recenzje książek slawistycznych, a także sprawozdania z konferencji i sympozjów naukowych.</p> Навчальний переклад і лінгводидактика 2023-01-31T10:04:26+01:00 Oksana Baranivska <p>Due to the increase of the importance of translation in the modern world, the profession of translator has gained some popularity — especially among those who study foreign languages. The article discusses the role of translation in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language, where translation is suggested as the fifth language skill (following speaking, writing, etc). The possibilities for the development of translation competence together with the role of didactic translation in a Ukrainian class for foreign language learners have been analyzed herein. Moreover, the article presents some methodological recommendations for a variety of text types as well as a choice of useful translation exercises for teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Oksana Baranivska Modální sémantika v ukrajinsko-českých překladech 2023-01-17T12:15:52+01:00 Uljana Cholodová <p>The author of the article analyzes two important linguistic categories of modality and emotionality, which at a certain semantic level intersect and complement each other. This confirms the theory of a functional approach to the study of linguistic means, according to which linguistic means in a certain language context have the potential to express both the category of modality and the category of emotionality. The specifi c material for this research is the comparison of texts in the original language and the translated language. Based on the research, the author singled out and classified the linguistic modal level of diff erent parts of sentences.</p> <p>Examples from works of Czech and Ukrainian fiction and their translations are included in the analysis. In addition to the descriptive and comparative-typological methods, the author refers to the sources of translation theorists, in particular to the theory of Jiří Levý, who created a methodology for evaluating the quality of a translated text in relation to the original.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Uljana Cholodová Лінгвокраїнознавчі обрії онімів і поетонімів у навчанні української мови як іноземної 2023-01-31T10:19:24+01:00 Svitlana Dvorianchykova Julia Bondarchuk <p>The article is devoted to the description and analysis of the pedagogical and didactic potential of educational materials containing onyms and poetonyms in the practice of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. The purpose of the study is to raise the issue of introducing the necessary onyms to the materials; to outline the foreign communicants’ notion formation factors about the actual onomastic space of the modern Ukrainian language; to determine the factors of influence of the information encoded in the onymic layer of the vocabulary on the formation of a secondary linguistic personality. The study focuses on the contexts with proprial units used by students learning Ukrainian as a foreign language at levels A1–C1. The main research methods employed are the descriptive method, scientific and pedagogical observation and generalization of the positive work experience. Assimilation of knowledge by foreign students and mastering skills in the use of proper names enriches applicants with information about the Ukrainian national specifics, contributes to their acquisition of linguistic competence in the communication process and the formation of a secondary language personality.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Svitlana Dvorianchykova, Julia Bondarchuk Модернізм в українській літературі кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ століття: польсько-український контекст 2023-01-12T12:05:55+01:00 Mykhaylo Hnatiuk <p>The article analyzes modernism in the Ukrainian literature of the late 19th and early 20th century in the context of Polish-Ukrainian literary and cultural contacts. The impact of Kraków modernism on the artistic strivings in Ukrainian literature is scrutinized in depth. The author analyzed the works by Ukrainian writers, particularly Vasyl Stefanyk, published and discussed in the Kraków-based magazine Życie. Ukrainian writers, like Lesia Ukrainka, Bohdan Lepky, and others attempted to analyze Polish modern literature in their literary-critical articles, thus promoting the development of new directions in Ukrainian literary life. The subject of the research are the literary articles by Ivan Franko, Zenon Przesmycki (Miriam), Lesia Ukrainka, Stanisław Przybyszewski, Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky, Olha Kobylianska, Waclaw Moraczewski, and others. Mutual translations and critical speeches of Ukrainian and Polish authors boosted the enrichment of the cultures of both nations at that time. Artistic explorations of the above writers and literary scholars were significant contributions to European modernism.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Mykhaylo Hnatiuk Василь Ткачук — виразник етнонаціональної ідентичності 2023-01-12T12:06:56+01:00 Anna Horniatko-Szumiłowicz <p>Ethno-national identity is a complex phenomenon, rich in both its structure and content. In this form of identity, both ethnic and national factors are deeply interlinked and influence each other. Vasyl Tkachuk (1916–1944) was a little-studied Ukrainian novelist, born and raised in Pokuttia and Hutsulshtchina in the first half of the 20th century. An unruly “Hutsulyk” who knew and loved his native land from an early age, made it famous in his works, and spontaneously resisted the sudden Sovietization of Western Ukraine, which cost him his life. It is therefore possible to ascertain that, based on his literary legacy, this talented novelist can be counted among the exponents of ethnonational identity. Writing as a Hutsul about the Hutsul people, their joys, sorrows, ethnic distinctiveness, and national unity, Tkachuk automatically defended both their and his own identities. This way, he confirmed his deeply rooted sense of the “little homeland” and the Ukrainian nation. To conduct the research, the hermeneutical and biographical methods were used.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Anna Horniatko-Szumiłowicz Відмінкові закінчення іменників в українській літературній мові ХХІ сторіччя: правописна норма vs мовна практика 2023-02-02T16:44:25+01:00 Larysa Kolibaba <p>In this article the author investigates the main codified (prescriptive) and non-codified (descriptive) changes in the use of case endings of nouns that occurred in the Ukrainian literary language during the first two decades of the 21st century. The tendencies in the observance of morphological norms, witnessed in different functional and stylistic spheres of modern Ukrainian language practice of the professional community, are singled out and analyzed. They are compared with norms codified in the <em>Ukrainian Orthography </em>of 2019. The correlation of tendencies of modern professional language practice and codified orthography changes in the use of case endings of nouns is traced: some tendencies are proved in language practice before their codification in the new <em>Ukrainian Orthography</em>, others are currently not supported by the philologically prepared part of Ukrainian society, and others still are represented in the language practice of Ukrainians more widely than those reflected in the main orthography code of Ukraine.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Larysa Kolibaba Репрезентація концепту „подорож” у паремійному словнику „Галицько-руські народні приповідки”, укладеному І. Франком 2023-02-06T13:47:41+01:00 Serhii Koloniuk <p>The article considers the peculiarities of the verbalization of the concept of travel, recorded in the paremia image of the world of one of the Ukrainian subcultures — the Galicians, interpreted and recorded by Ivan Franko in the dictionary <em>Halytsko-ruski narodni prypovidky</em> [Galician-Russian folktales]. The purpose of the study is to analyze the fragment of the paremic image of the world inherent in the Ukrainian <em>linguocultura</em> of Galicians, with the representation of the paremic verbalization of the concept of travel, recorded in the national consciousness of Galicians and interpreted by Ivan Franko in his unique collection of paremias, taking into account the theory of linguoculturology and linguoconceptology. The following primary research methods were used: the linguistic observation method, the continuous sampling method, the descriptive method, the comparative method, conceptual analysis, the interpretive method, the method of interpreting dictionary definitions, the technique of abstraction. The object of the study was the unique dictionary<br />of paremias <em>Halytsko-ruski narodni prypovidky</em>.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Serhii Koloniuk Комунікативні стратегії учасників літературних інтернет-конкурсів: особливості мовленнєвої поведінки у віртуальному дискурсі 2023-01-09T20:45:31+01:00 Natalia Kondratenko <p>The study deals with the problems of linguopragmatic description of virtual discourse. Particular focus is paid to the discursive activity of the participants of literary competitions who participate in discussions and evaluate each other's stories. Cooperative and conflict interactions of commentators and authors of literary stories are characterized. A typology of communicative strategies in the virtual discourse of a literary competition is proposed, with a breakdown of those used by senders and recipients. It has been proved that the strategies of commentators gravitate towards a cooperative type of communication, while the strategies of authors in response to criticism trend towards a conflict type of communication. The linguistic features of the the ways each group implements their respective strategies are traced, and the main tactics of their representation in the discourse of the virtual discussion of literary stories are determined. The illustrative material was collected from the transcripts of discussions at the Ukrainian-language fantasy short story competitions Litavytsia and RBZh Azimut for 2021.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Natalia Kondratenko Рекламний текст у сфері освітніх послуг: лінгвопрагматичний аспект (на матеріалі української та китайської мов) 2023-01-09T20:47:07+01:00 Zhang Mengwei <p>The article discusses the linguistic features and pragmatic potential of advertising texts in the field of educational services. The most important factors that shape educational advertising have been identified, in particular, the specific object of advertising, an expressive target audience, the polycode character of the text and the types of advertising for strategic purposes. The features of the structure of advertisements for language courses as well as the semantic load of language units in terms of semantics and belonging to parts of speech in accordance with the elements of the repeating model of the advertising text are analyzed in detail. Language means also described. To expand upon the idea of this type of advertising text, Ukrainian and Chinese advertisements of language courses have been studied, with partiular reseach interest paid to the differences in the implementation of pragmatic potential at different language levels.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Zhang Mengwei Фразеологізми творів Дмитра Донцова як вияв української ідентичности 2023-02-06T13:51:52+01:00 Oksana Mykytyuk <p>D. Dontsov fills Ukrainian journalism with various idioms, some of which are established in the language system (ancient, Latin, Ukrainian, and foreign expressions, etc.), others are partially known to the reader (partly author’s), and still others he creates himself, that is, they are author’s. The work aims to analyze various types of phraseology in the works of D. Dontsov, which is a manifestation of his original thinking. It is proposed to consider and introduce into the Ukrainian political style those author’s phraseology unknown to the recipients. The functional, informational- semantic, descriptive, discursive, contextual and observational methods were used in the article. The source base of the article is the 10-volume edition of the thinker’s heritage and separate printed works. D. Dontsov’s authorial phraseologisms form numerous microfields concerning the establishment of an independent state, ideology, demonstration of struggle and education of character. The study proves that Dontsov’s phraseology reproduces his extraordinary linguistic thinking and create the recognizable idiostyle of a great publicist.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Oksana Mykytyuk Проблема конкуренції латиниці й кирилиці в українській лінгвокультурі 2023-03-15T22:04:04+01:00 Yelyzaveta Peresada <p>The rivalry between two graphic systems, the Cyrillic alphabet and the Ukrainian Latin alphabet, can be traced throughout the history of the functioning of the Ukrainian language. During the 19th–21st centuries, Ukrainian linguists were continuosly analyzing the question issue of rivalry between Cyrillic and Latin alphabets in the Ukrainian linguoculture. The problem of the functioning of the Ukrainian Latin alphabet in the modern Ukrainian linguistic space during the globalization of English has been reemerged and continues to stir up the scientists. It expands the problematics of Ukrainian linguographic theory and reorients it toward a goal of the de-specifying information on this subject in the both diachronic and synchronic aspects of diachrony and synchrony.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Yelyzaveta Peresada The Європейська ідея та національна ідентичність в українській літературі кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ століття 2023-01-12T12:08:17+01:00 Yaroslav Polishchuk <p>The article presents the process of modernization of Ukrainian literature at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. On the one hand, the author analyzes the adaptation of the European idea and culture to Ukrainian realities, on the other hand, the evolution of nationalism reaching its maturity phase is observed in the text. This is evidenced by the declarations and programs published in such magazines as <em>Ukrain'ska Khata </em>[Ukrainian Hut] during the years 1909–1914, especially by the articles of Mykola Yevshan and Andriy Tovkachevsky. The discussions that took place during that period were particularly signifi cant in establishing the direction for the development of national culture. Ukrainian literature acquires the features of cultural openness and dialogue, which are clearly illustrated by the works of its prominent authors such as Ivan Franko, Lesia Ukrainka, Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky, Olha Kobylianska, Ahatanhel Krymsky.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Yaroslav Polishchuk The European idea and national identity in Ukrainian literature at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries 2023-12-22T11:52:59+01:00 Yaroslav Polishchuk <p>The article presents the process of modernization of Ukrainian literature at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. On the one hand, the author analyzes the adaptation of the European idea and culture to Ukrainian realities, on the other hand, the evolution of nationalism reaching its maturity phase is observed in the text. This is evidenced by the declarations and programs published in such magazines as <em>Ukrain'ska Khata </em>[Ukrainian Hut] during the years 1909–1914, especially by the articles of Mykola Yevshan and Andriy Tovkachevsky. The discussions that took place during that period were particularly signifi cant in establishing the direction for the development of national culture. Ukrainian literature acquires the features of cultural openness and dialogue, which are clearly illustrated by the works of its prominent authors such as Ivan Franko, Lesia Ukrainka, Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky, Olha Kobylianska, Ahatanhel Krymsky.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Деякі зауваги до українсько-польських контактів на рівні арґо (у контексті розвитку східнослов’янських історичних соціолектів) 2023-02-02T16:56:59+01:00 Yevhen Redko <p>The article focuses on the relationships between the Ukrainian and Polish argots as part of the broader process of forming and developing East Slavic sociolects. The main attention is paid to the comparative analysis of Ukrainian lyrists’ and craftsmen’s sociolects mentioned in the academic studies during the second half of the 19th century and in the early 21st century, as well as <em>ochweśnik </em>jargon — the sociolect of polish peddlers, which was profoundly researched by Wanda Budziszewska in the 1950s. Lexical parallels between Ukrainian and Polish argots are analyzed by quantitative and qualitative parameters, which makes it possible, firstly, to review some traditional points about formation of the <em>ochweśnik </em>jargon (in particular, about the impact of the Ofenya sociolect as a basis for all East Slavic sociolects) and secondly, to articulate lexical contacts between certain sociolects and to better understand specifics of their formation and development.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Yevhen Redko Критична мовознавча спадщина на сторінках журналів Червоний шлях (1923–1936) та Життя й революція (1925–1934) 2023-02-02T16:42:02+01:00 Julia Rysicz-Szafraniec <p>The article is devoted to the study of linguistic texts, namely reviews, published in two Ukrainian journals which played an active role in the field of scientific journalism in the 1920s and 1930s. This study was conducted according to the principles of descriptive analysis. The structure of selected reviews is presented, as well as an outline of certain issues that were unresolved in the contemporaneous study of language, such as the question about the origin of the Ukrainian language or the issues of language norm or description of phonetic phenomena. In addition, the issue of two linguistic schools in Ukraine of that period was raised and their confrontation was outlined based on the analyzed texts.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Julia Rysicz-Szafraniec Мотиваційні завдання в практиці викладання української мови як іноземної 2023-01-31T10:11:22+01:00 Oksana Samusenko <p>The paper deals with the issue of foreign language teaching methodology. It presents a question of motivating foreign students to intensify their speech activity while learning the Ukrainian language. The author’s principal focus is on the role of motivational tasks in the formation of foreign-language communicative competence, as well as in building professional and social skills by a foreign audience. Results of the conducted research confirmed the usefulness of creating such motivational tasks, based on cross-cultural sources, for foreign students of humanities. Said motivational tasks include open-type creative assignments that are based on the previously received phonetic, lexical and grammar skills and encourage learners to speak out using the Ukrainian language. This article provides models of communication situations, role-playing games, presentations, discussions, projects and some other creative oral and written exercises based on materials about life in Kyiv. The conclusions on the results of the integration of these tasks into the educational process are subsequently presented.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Oksana Samusenko Зворотні дієслова в українській мові: теоретико-лінгвістичний і лінгводидактичний аспекти 2023-01-31T10:21:13+01:00 Myroslava Shevchenko <p>The author of this article attempts to determine the formal, semantic and functional peculiarities of Ukrainian reflexive verbs important for their linguo-didactic description. Because of their incidence, the verbs with the postfix -ся hold an important place in the learning system of Ukrainian as foreign language, while at the same time being one of the most complicated lexical groups for learning by foreign communicators. To make the learning process of reflexive verbs easier for foreign students, 152 verbal lexemes were selected for the analysis, belonging to the five most representative groups, sorted according to the criterium of defining subjective and objective relations. Some linguo-methodical recommendations were proposed, with the aim of forming and developing the ability of foreign communicators to properly use the analyzed vocabulary in speech; the recommendations take into account the formal word forming features of reflexive verbs, grammatical characteristics and their lexical conjunction.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Myroslava Shevchenko Поетика крові та лайна у творчості Олеся Ульяненка 2023-01-12T11:59:40+01:00 Feliks Shteinbuk <p>The radical character of Oles Ulianenko’s literary works stems from the fact that the author utilizes some highly controversial motifs, namely blood and excrement, in constructing his poetics. The aim of the article is to defi ne the characteristics and outline of the writer’s artistic world, taking into consideration corporal substances as world-building tools. To achieve the stated goal, both the traditional methods such as cultural-historical and comparative-typological analysis are used, as well as hermeneutics and the rather innovative corporal-mimetic method. The author concludes that Oles Ulianenko incorporates substances like blood and excrement in his artistic imagery because, in his highly skeptical artistic interpretation, the writer can only reach the depthts of inner, corporally determined motives which condition the ontological sense of human being when resorting to such measures.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Feliks Shteinbuk Лексико-граматичні, синтаксичні та композиційні особливості науково-популярних текстів Тараса Лютого 2023-02-06T13:49:57+01:00 Alla Yarova <p>The article touches upon the issue of the functioning printed and digital scientific information in modern Ukrainian mass media. The genre of essay as a popular form of dissemination of scientific information is considered. Due to this research we also join the discussion about the need to reform the scientific and functional variety of the modern Ukrainian literary language. The purpose of the article is to study the lexical, grammatical, syntactic and compositional specifics and linguistic creativity of popular science texts on the example of Taras Luty’s philosophical essays published in the weekly <em>Ukrainian Week. </em>Various research methods are employed in the study: the method of linguistic description and observation, the descriptive method, which provides the inventory of selected units, their segmentation, classification and interpretation, as well as the functional-stylistic method. Conclusions are made on the basis of the analysis of 111 texts.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Alla Yarova Комунікативно-функційна інтенційність фемінітивності та маскулінативності: граматика і семантика 2023-01-09T20:46:28+01:00 Anatolii Zahnitko <p>The article discusses the communicative and functional intentionality of femininity and masculinity in terms of grammar and semantics. The research aims to analyze the communicative and functional orientation of femininity and masculinity, examining their relationship and/ or lack of correlation with feminine and masculine forms, and their manifestations in discursive practices. The article proposes distinguishing trends in contemporary feminization by diagnosing traditional- normative and gender-sensitive approaches to naming female individuals based on social status, profession, and title. Additionally, it seeks to determine the key factors driving public demand for the use of derived feminine forms. By comparing the functioning of feminine forms in the German language, the article identifies the main psychological, social, pragmatic, cognitive (including cognitive-behavioral and cultural-historical) factors that burden the national memory with noun forms for the nomination of female individuals in the modern Ukrainian language.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Anatolii Zahnitko Communicative and functional intentionality of femininity and masculinity: Grammar and semantics 2023-12-22T12:30:21+01:00 Anatolii Zahnitko <p>The article discusses the communicative and functional intentionality of femininity and masculinity in terms of grammar and semantics. The research aims to analyze the communicative and functional orientation of femininity and masculinity, examining their relationship and/ or lack of correlation with feminine and masculine forms, and their manifestations in discursive practices. The article proposes distinguishing trends in contemporary feminization by diagnosing traditional- normative and gender-sensitive approaches to naming female individuals based on social status, profession, and title. Additionally, it seeks to determine the key factors driving public demand for the use of derived feminine forms. By comparing the functioning of feminine forms in the German language, the article identifies the main psychological, social, pragmatic, cognitive (including cognitive-behavioral and cultural-historical) factors that burden the national memory with noun forms for the nomination of female individuals in the modern Ukrainian language.</p> 2024-06-06T00:00:00+02:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Вступне слово 2023-05-22T14:59:28+02:00 Olga Barabasz-Rewak Anna Ursulenko Przemysław Jóźwikiewicz 2023-12-30T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Olga Barabasz-Rewak, Anna Ursulenko, Przemysław Jóźwikiewicz