
Vol. 159 (2014)

O czekaniu słów kilka. Konstrukcje taktyczne fundowane na predykacie czekać

Pages: 231 - 244

PDF (Język Polski)


A few words on waiting. Tactic structures basedon the predicate czekać [‘wait’]

The article discusses some problems connected with describing the relative temporal location of events taxis based on the example of the structures with the verb czekać [‘wait’]. The description focuses mainly on those structures in which czekać occurs as afinite verb and its right-hand context is a sententional argument. The problem of sentences with the verb czekać in anonfinite form has only been outlined briefly. In both cases the sententional argument takes the form of asentence phrase,adverbial phrase or nominal phrase. Depending on the form of the predicate czekać, the tactic structures consist of two 3.1, 3.2 or three 3.3 segments. The description of temporal relations in the discussed structures is determined by semantic and syntactic features of the two-argument verb czekać.

Citation rules

Łuczków, I. (2015). O czekaniu słów kilka. Konstrukcje taktyczne fundowane na predykacie czekać. Slavica Wratislaviensia, 159, 231–244. Retrieved from