Wrocławskie Studia Wschodnie https://wuwr.pl/wrsw <p>„Wrocławskie Studia Wschodnie” są naukowym periodykiem poświęconym szeroko rozumianym dziejom kontaktów Polski i Polaków z europejskim i euroazjatyckim Wschodem od średniowiecza po XX wiek. Pismo zostało założone w 1997 roku z inicjatywy prof. Antoniego Kuczyńskiego. Publikacje na łamach „Wrocławskich Studiów Wschodnich” obejmują wyniki prac badawczych z dziedziny nauk humanistycznych (historia, etnografia, kulturoznawstwo).</p> <p>ISSN: 1429-4168</p> Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego Sp. z o.o. pl-PL Wrocławskie Studia Wschodnie 1429-4168 Droga Herbaty. Część I https://wuwr.pl/wrsw/article/view/14706 <p>The aim of the article is to point out that the numerous cultural behaviours — usually those of secular nature — which in Japanese culture fall into the category of <em>chadō</em> (its sense seems to be best conveyed precisely by the notion of the “Way of Tea”) are largely a manifestation of putting the Buddhist philosophy into practice. In this tale of Buddhism through a symbol, that is tea, an important element is also the notion of “Zen,” which should be linked to the form of Buddhism rooted in Japan and known as Zen Buddhism.</p> <p>The strategy used to illustrate the problem in question is to introduce and discuss successive concepts, figures or cultural texts that are inextricably linked to Japanese tea culture and that clearly correspond to the many dimensions of Buddhist thought, which originated in India around the 6th century BC. One of the dimensions of this thought is the law of interdependent emergence, which, finding its expression in <em>chadō</em>, not only serves to celebrate culturally established behaviours, but sensitises those following the Way of Tea to their cognitive capacities, which — according to this law — never depend solely on the subject or the method used.</p> <p>The article is divided into two parts. The first contains an introduction, information about the literature and discussion of categories associated with <em>chadō</em> and described by means of terms like “master,” “roji,” “emptiness” and “tokonoma.” In the second part, the categories discussed are those of “host and guest,” “four noble truths” and “suchness.” The second part of the article also includes a conclusion.</p> Grzegorz Dąbrowski Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 2022-12-30 2022-12-30 25 9 34 10.19195/1429-4168.25.1 Mieszkańcy Syberii przełomu XIX i XX wieku w oglądzie Feliksa Kona https://wuwr.pl/wrsw/article/view/14707 <p>The aim of the article is to present the remarks and reflections of the Polish socialist activist, writer, journalist Feliks Kon (1864–1941) on some Siberian communities that he met while in exile at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Despite the fact that before his arrival in Siberia, he had not been professionally involved in scientific research, F. Kon made efforts to collect materials and information on the everyday life, customs and rituals of the inhabitants of this land. He can be described as self-taught, but the results of his work in the field of physical and social anthropology as well as the folklore and ethnography of the peoples of Siberia were in no way inferior to the research achievements of the then full-time employees of Russian scientific societies. The inhabitants of Siberia, both indigenous (Tuvians, Yakuts, Buryats) and immigrants (Russians, Jews), appear in F. Kon’s view as “flesh and blood” people, with flaws, problems and dilemmas, but also enjoying small pleasures, joys of life.</p> Piotr Koprowski Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 2022-12-30 2022-12-30 25 35 54 10.19195/1429-4168.25.2 Antagonizmy narodowościowe II RP a bezpieczeństwo państwa — kazus ukraiński w Małopolsce Wschodniej. Przyczynek do dyskusji https://wuwr.pl/wrsw/article/view/14708 <p>The aim of this article is to identify and characterize selected sources of national antagonisms of the Second Polish Republic through Ukrainian activities in Eastern Lesser Poland. The considerations are based on archival material and critical analysis of scientific literature.</p> <p>A thesis was put forward that the actions taken to materialize the Ukrainian case and interests in Eastern Lesser Poland were a source of national antagonisms in the Second Polish Republic and one of the factors weakening the security of the Polish state.</p> <p>The presented arguments show that the so-called Ukrainian case in Eastern Lesser Poland was connected to the security of the Second Polish Republic, and the Ukrainian actions in this region, unfavourable towards Poland, weakened Poland’s security. The actions taken by the Ukrainians were a source of national antagonisms in Poland in the interwar period. Nationalism, terrorism, neglect of duties related to military service, anti-Polish propaganda and defamation of Poland in the Ukrainian press and diplomacy in the international arena, threatened Poland’s security in relation to the development of the sociopolitical situation in Eastern Lesser Poland.</p> Tomasz Landmann Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 2022-12-30 2022-12-30 25 55 73 10.19195/1429-4168.25.3 Sytuacja obywateli polskich w Jakuckiej Autonomicznej Socjalistycznej Republice Sowieckiej po 1941 roku https://wuwr.pl/wrsw/article/view/14709 <p>During the Second World War various groups of Polish citizens, including a substantial number of Jews, were exiled and deported to Yakutia. They ended up in the region usually as prisoners sent to Soviet camps and special residential estates as a result of deportations carried out by the NKVD in the Eastern Borderlands of the Second Polish Republic in 1940–1941.</p> <p>The legal status of Polish citizens in the USSR changed only after the Sikorski–Mayski agreement of 30 July 1941 and following the Soviet amnesty decree of August 1941. People released from confinement were allowed to go to other Soviet regions or to the Polish army being formed at the time in the USSR. Some took advantage of this opportunity, but several thousand Polish citizens decided to remain in Yakutia during the following years of the war. Their health and living conditions were poor owing to the harsh climate, insufficient supply of food and necessities, unfavourable housing conditions and other local factors. Most Poles and Jews remained in Yakutia until 1946 and returned to Poland only after the signing of the Polish-Soviet repatriation agreement.</p> Anna Zapalec Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 2022-12-30 2022-12-30 25 75 89 10.19195/1429-4168.25.4 Польские школы в Барнауле (40-е гг. ХХ в.): некоторые аспекты изучения https://wuwr.pl/wrsw/article/view/14711 <p>The article is devoted to the little known question of the establishment of Polish schools in Barnaul operating in the 1940s. Some studies tackling the subject matter to some extent can already be found in Polish and Russian historiography. On the basis of the available material and literature the author of the article seeks to sum up the information about the Polish schools in Barnaul, capital of the Altai Krai, and to present the role and activity of Lidia Milewicz, a teacher, in the establishment and then provision of education. The author uses documents relating to school no. 2 for Polish children in Barnaul (record books, registers), currently kept in Warsaw’s Museum of Independence and made available to the author by Anna Milewska-Młynik, an employee of the museum. The documents were also an inspiration for the article. The author discusses some aspects of the establishment and functioning of educational facilities for Polish children. The schools made their contribution to and introduced national specificity into the school education system in the Altai Krai. The problem examined in the article should certainly be explored further through the use of new source material and expansion of the document base.</p> Irina Nikulina Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 2022-12-30 2022-12-30 25 91 97 10.19195/1429-4168.25.5 Lecznicze zabiegi magiczne mieszkańców Wierszyny na Syberii (obwód irkucki) https://wuwr.pl/wrsw/article/view/14712 <p>The article is devoted to folk medical procedures presented using the example of the village of Vershina in the Irkutsk region. The Vershinians are descendants of Polish immigrants from Lesser Poland (Małopolska) to Siberia during the Stolypin land reform. Despite many difficulties and various twists of history, the Vershinians managed to preserve the Polish language (Lesser Polish dialect) and the culture of their ancestors. However, over time, their traditions have changed due to historical circumstances and the influence of other cultures living in that region. The medical procedures transmitted among the inhabitants of Vershina have been preserved to this day. The belief of the rural population in the reliable power of such rituals encouraged them to perform these practices with special care and attach particular importance to the spoken word and action. These magical treatments emphasize that human life and health have been regarded as valuable in the community.</p> Ewelina Wiżentas Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 2022-12-30 2022-12-30 25 99 110 10.19195/1429-4168.25.6 O Ormianach bukowińskich i nie tylko w listach Anny Danilewicz https://wuwr.pl/wrsw/article/view/14713 <p>Anna Danilewicz was an activist among the Polish Armenians from Bukovina and Bukovinians themselves. After the Second World War she settled in Lower Silesia, returning to her roots and memories from Bukovina, Romania, in her publications. She was regarded as a great authority among the Armenians and Bukovinians. For many years the present author exchanged letters with her, letters now analysed in the article. They contain a lot of valuable information, unknown from Anna Danilewicz’s other writings. Worthy of note are also Danilewicz’s reflections on various matters.</p> Grzegorz Pełczyński Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 2022-12-30 2022-12-30 25 111 121 10.19195/1429-4168.25.7 Grzegorz Pełczyński, „Michał Kryspin Pawlikowski o narodach z obszaru Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego” https://wuwr.pl/wrsw/article/view/14721 Jacek Nowakowski Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 2022-12-30 2022-12-30 25 205 206 10.19195/1429-4168.25.14 Omówienie książek o Bronisławie Piłsudskim oraz spotkania w Sulejówku z udziałem osób zaangażowanych w ich publikację https://wuwr.pl/wrsw/article/view/14722 Barbara Słomka Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 2022-12-30 2022-12-30 25 209 223 10.19195/1429-4168.25.15 Włoskie doświadczenie walk na froncie wschodnim (1941–1943) — z korespondencji i wspomnień żołnierzy https://wuwr.pl/wrsw/article/view/14714 Sylwia Szarejko Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 2022-12-30 2022-12-30 25 125 142 10.19195/1429-4168.25.8 Profesor Henryk Korowicz, rektor Akademii Handlu Zagranicznego we Lwowie (1888–1941) https://wuwr.pl/wrsw/article/view/14715 Lena Kaletowa Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 2022-12-30 2022-12-30 25 143 160 10.19195/1429-4168.25.9 Profesor Wiktoria Śliwowska (26 czerwca 1931–27 grudnia 2021) https://wuwr.pl/wrsw/article/view/14716 Wiesław Caban Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 2022-12-30 2022-12-30 25 161 172 10.19195/1429-4168.25.10 Stanisław Mączewski (1892–1941) https://wuwr.pl/wrsw/article/view/14717 Iwona Arabas Anita Chodkowska Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 2022-12-30 2022-12-30 25 173 178 10.19195/1429-4168.25.11 Jerzy Grzędzielski (1901–1941) https://wuwr.pl/wrsw/article/view/14718 Iwona Arabas Anita Chodkowska Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 2022-12-30 2022-12-30 25 179 185 10.19195/1429-4168.25.12 Antoni Twardochleb — zesłańcze losy polskiego listonosza ze Lwowa deportowanego na Syberię. Część I https://wuwr.pl/wrsw/article/view/14720 Lilianna Światek Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 2022-12-30 2022-12-30 25 187 201 10.19195/1429-4168.25.13