Dla Autorów


The journal publishes papers in English. The manuscripts, double spaced and with gen-erous margins, and, as a rule, not exceeding 25 pages in length, should be submitted as pdf or ps files to pms@math.uni.wroc.pl. Longer papers will be considered only in exceptional circumstances. Please, use the manuscript preparation template, and follow the instructions provided at http://www.math.uni.wroc.pl/~pms.

The authors’ full names, arranged in alphabetical order, and the towns represented by them, should be typed under the title of the paper. Articles should be accompanied by abstracts in English, usually not exceeding 150 words, the 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification, and the Key words and phrases.

The references should be stated at the end of the paper, numbered, and in alphabetical order. Each of the references is to be arranged according to the following sequence:

(a) papers published in journals: author’s initials and surname, full title of the paper, abbreviated title of the journal according to the current index issue of Mathematical Re-views, number of the volume, year of the publication in brackets, the first and the last pages of the paper;

(b) books: author’s initials and surname, book title, publisher, place and year of the publication.

All diagrams and pictures should be numbered and produced as high resolution graphics. Formulas and designations cited in the text should be numbered in parentheses on the left-hand side of pages.

At the end of the paper the author’s address and affiliation (including the e-mail address) should be given.

Authors are entitled to one free copy of the issue.