Dobro Wolność zabawy, czyli o kulturze i cywilizacji w aspekcie konieczności


  • Ignacy Szczeniowski


Freedom to Play. Culture and Civilization in Terms of Necessity

The intension of the article is to present the duality: culture and civilization, in terms of necessity, described in two dimensions. The first is the metaphorical structure built on the distinction of types of madness. The second one is an epistemological and analytical study of intensional necessity and non-intensional freedom of human action in the world.
In the proposed approach, culture is voluntary and free activity, consisting in creative experiencing and inspiration. It is something superhuman, something deeply connected to the non-propositional knowledge and content, something that transcends the human quest for survival. If necessity is to be understood as a quest for biological and social subsisting, then I propose that such action together with its output should be called civilization. As an opposite of play, it is an intentional bonding with object, a practical attitude to the self and the surrounding world. There are two sequences of concepts, that can be constructed to summarize the above approach: play/game – creativity – inspiration – culture – unnecessariness versus working – craft – invention – civilization – necessity.






Artykuły [1054]