Rozwiązania quasi-klasyczne: ich specyfika i artystyczne konsekwencje


  • Rafał Boettner-Łubowski


Quasi-classical Solutions: Their Specific Features and Artistic Consequences

While watching rich heritage of classical and modern art, we can see, that not all pieces of art, which are considered as classical, really fall into strict ‘classical’ category. Ingres’s 19th century pictures and Picasso’s ‘neoclassical’ compositions from the 20th century document that fact. Stylistic methods used by both artists might be considered as quasiclassical, because they include both classical and anti-classical elements. Quasi-classical methods were also used by other artists, and as the result of that, art-pieces included specific expression and rich range of metaphors. Unfortunately, art historians and theoreticians rarely research those art forms. Quasi-classical potential is big and it should be researched much further.





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