Niebezpieczne małe prozy fragmenty


  • Waldemar Okoń

Słowa kluczowe:

słowo, forma, funkcja, brzmienie, znaczenie, intuicja, sens, word, form, function, sound, meaning, intuition, sense



Words can be beautiful, good, safe, soothing, incidental, true, unspecified, without beginning or end. Sometimes, however, they take the form of predatory and unexpected, dangerous to their speaker or writer, who chose them and intuitively recorded, remembering only their original version and meanings arising from the subtle connections and relationships. In addition to words, there is only darkness, which should light up and from which the poet must return in order not be subjected to unspoken death. Theatre of life and mirrors with their reflections sometimes turn words into blue bullet that strikes suddenly and silently. We have to be carried away like a wave breaking on the crystal shores of our sea. The texts presented in this volume include intuitive ideas born in a short period of time, but their source is located in many years of focus and a poetic meditation. They can not be ultimately read; we can only try to read them as we read or pronounce incantations and ritual records of unknown religion. They reveal, perhaps, their inner meaning – different to each of us, personal – just as different is our imagination. From my collection, I selected the passages which relate to the idea of corresponding arts, which has been accompanying me for many years, both in my research, and in my art.






Artykuły [1054]