Zderzenia filmu z rzeczywistością. Strategie konceptualne w filmach Józefa Robakowskiego


  • Elżbieta Łubowicz


Collisions between film and reality. Conceptual strategies in films by Józef Robakowski

Robakowski’s photographs and films made in the 1970’s weren’t a part of the main stream of Polish conceptual art. His attitude was opposite to the intermedial character of the art in that period of time. Together with the other members of the Workshop of Film Form the artist was interested in a pure form of “new media”. Nevertheless, in his films made in the 1970’s and in the following years, we can see artistic strategies connected with conceptualism, such as the following strategies: minimalism of a form, banal topics, open structure and other aesthetics of film frame, different from traditional art composition.






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