Homo aestheticus – „przebiegły chłop znad Dolnego Renu”



Homo aestheticus - "cunning peasant of the Lower Rhine region"

The postulate of restoring humanity to the "aesthetic state" and the realization of the idea of homo aestheticus became the center of interest in Friedrich Schiller. One of the contemporary revitalization of this idea, which proves its vitality and actuality, is the work and the socio-political activities of Joseph Beuys, "the cunning peasant of the Lower Rhine region" – as he was considered by others and as he himself considered while forming his legend. Beuys believed that the role of artists was in fact the fulfillment of their mission, continually moving beyond artistry, giving the literal reality of the status of art. Beuys was involved in politics He was interested in protecting the environment, upbringing of young people and education. He promoted spiritual freedom, legal and economic equality. He used his sense of humor and irony when dealing with "deadly areas" of industrialized society, the ‘trauma’ of modernity and he started the processes of healing communities. He developed an extended notion of art, "fine arts" and "social sculpture". He wanted to broaden the idea of creation and molding different materials to all spheres of life. He not only significantly changed the concept of art by using as artistic material fat and felt, but he also transformed fundamental and borderland situations of human existence.






Artykuły [1054]