„Pustynia doznań bezprzedmiotowych” – nowy realizm malarski Kazimierza Malewicza – ekskurs ahistoryczny



‘The Desert of No-Object Experience’ – Kazimir Malevich’s New Painterly Realism – Non Historical Excursion
No ‚image of reality’ – no imaginary things – nothing but desert. This emptiness is enliven by the spirit pervading all no-object experience. – This way, questioning the objectivity in painting, Casimir Malewich wrote in 1922 his suprematist manifesto. He ignored almost all traditional artistic media and he preached the supremacy of pure feeling and creativity which would start completely from scratch. He made painting autonomous, freed color from shape in order to finally abandon also the logic of color – only in the pure devoid of the idea, which in his opinion, dominates the practice. Malevich’s radical approach is connected with the fact that neither forms nor colors as such contributed to the clarity of his paintings. What is important in his approach arises between color and form as a result of gravitation towards each other: the relative proportions, relationships, interactions, the new formula of ‘abstraction’ and ‘abstracting’.






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