Ekspresjonistyczny horyzont abstrakcjonizmu


  • Manfred Bator


Horizon of expressionist abstraction

The problem indicated in the title of the article seems to be a matter of aesthetics which need at least an elementary analysis from the philosophical perspective, as well as humanistic reflection directly or indirectly associated with it. Also, it seems that the popular idea of abstract art usually associated only with the methods of imaging, is highly debatable. The possibility of applying the category of abstraction in relation to artifacts outside the convention can and even should be considered under the condition that we determine the scope of the concept of abstraction and the provenance of the concept of abstraction. The starting point for discussion should be the reconstruction of the concept of abstraction and abstract art, then examine the possibility of occurrence of abstract expressionist painting, in which the means of artistic expression become autonomous, and important parts of the image have lost their figurative/ representational character, and gained the status of self-meaningful image elements. The expressionist roots must be sought in expressive form of triune chorea – the synthesis of music, dance and poetry, whose function was to express human feelings. It used to be an abstract which revealed the state of mind and soul, therefore explicating the state of the abstract and not concrete.






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