W oparach absurdu. Przedmiot surrealistyczny


  • Agnieszka Bandura


humor, absurd, nonsense, surreal object, catharsis


In the clouds of humor – object of the surreal
Due to the limitations of the subjective own competence and the objective article’s volume, I decided to focus on the phenomenon or rather a sense of humor and surrealism. I understand humor as a spe-cifically human power, sensitivity and individual way of feeling different comic phenomena including absurd and ironic phenomena. Surrealism in visual arts broadly – in the art of interlaced threads of the surreal in the right way is testing the recipient’s as creator sense of humor. Surreal humor suspended between intellect, emotions and pleasure rarely becomes frustrating; more often – cathartic. It does not include any depreciating properties of laughter which may arise when there is a sense of superiority over the others. Humor contributes to taming the absurd, which is, nolens volens, an integral part of our lives. I search for answers to the following question: ‘What does surrealistic humor purifies in us?’. I analyze functions anti-functions? in surrealist objects by Man Ray, Marcel Duchamp, Meret Oppenheim, Oscar Dominguez, Marcel Jean, Marcel Marien and others.






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