Sztuka zaangażowana Artura Żmijewskiego


  • Barbara Tryka

Słowa kluczowe:

sztuka zaangażowana, alienacja sztuki, partycypacja, estetyzm, engaged art, alienation of art., participation, aestheticism



Tryka describes a relationship between Artur Żmijewski’s artistic practice and his theoretical deliberations on involved art. Żmijewski’s conception of art, expressed in a manifesto Applied Social Arts, is discussed in the context of aesthetical conception of art. Tryka starts with the description of his artistic manifesto entitled ‘Applied social arts’, which is one of most influential voice in the debate on the role of involved art in contemporary culture in Poland. Theoretical questions from the manifesto connected with the metaphor of art as algorithm, the alienation of art and possibilities of its overcoming fill the first paragraphs of the paper. In the second part, Tryka described two projects by Żmijewski entiltled ‘Democracies’ and sculptural plain-air entitled ‘Memories of Celulose’. She compared them with Żmijewski’s ideas and interpreted them in philosophical context. Żmijewski believed that the value of art cannot be measured in the context of aesthetics but only in the context of its ability to influence social and political events. He considered art as social tool which could be used to studying and forming social relations. Moreover, artists should contribute to people’s involvement in artistic activities, and in forming people’s worldviews. They should be able to develop and explore creative potential of people who aren’t yet interested in art and they should be able to properly evaluate cooperation between people.






Artykuły [1054]