Time Capsule Eduardo Kaca jako eksperymentalna analiza polityki ciała w społeczeństwie kontroli


  • Maciej Ożóg

Słowa kluczowe:

the body as information, body policy, bioinformatics, super vision, control, identity


‘Time Capsule’ by Eduardo Kac as Experimental Analysis of the policy of the body in a society of control

Ożóg analyses the project entitled ‘Time Capsule’ by Eduardo Kac, one of the pioneers of biological art. Artist’s work is interpreted as a voice in the debate on the consequences of computerization of the biological body and the specifics of bioinformatics’ supervision and control. Controversial artistic and existential action by Kac touches such issues as transformation of individual identity in an era of biotechnological remediation of the body, the relationship between the material, physical body and its virtual-information mapping, the activity of the embodied subject in the context of the dynamic development of various tools of digital surveillance, as well as the specifics of control mechanisms and supervision in the era of bioinformation technologies.






Artykuły [1054]