„Żeby wierszowi chodziło o życie”. Liryka Bogusława Kierca
Słowa kluczowe:
Bogusław Kierc, Julian Przyboś, mit narcyza, duchowość, mistyka i erotyzmAbstrakt
“Let the poem be about life”. Bogusław Kierc’s lyrics
The author of this article analyzes the poetry of Bogusław Kierc, a poet from Wrocław, pointing to the separateness and originality of this artist. Originality is revealed in risky and bold themes and a form that is a combination of something avant-garde with something very traditional. The language used by the poet, concerning ultimate and mystical problems, captivates with harmonious, musical finesse. Pictures in this poetry are seen, heard and experienced. The hero of these poems sees in his somatic and erotic experiences the source of potential mysticism, the possibility of approaching transcendence.