Initium, tactus, ens – doświadczanie początku warsztatem artystycznym


  • Sebastian Łubiński

Słowa kluczowe:

początek, dotyk, doświadczanie, poznanie, dzieło, beginning, touch, experience, acquired knowledge, work of art


Initium, Tactus, Ens – Experiencing The Beginning by Artistic Craft

A discourse concerns the subject “appearing in being”, discussed with the example of the process of building works of art. The axis and tool for the proposed model of narration is touch, understood in a literal way the relation between senses and reality and metaphorical the mind constructing and processing concepts, which constitute a primary cognitive instrument for a human, and especially an artist of fine arts. Based on chosen philosophical concepts E. Husserl and Aristotle, aesthetics Juhani Pallasmaa, art history and one’s own creative experience, it will present a privileged position of fine arts towards different sciences, as a field allowing successful undertaking of complex concepts at the point of ideas of matter and perception.






Artykuły [1054]