Orfeusz w Nigdy wykład w Muzeum Teatru we Wrocławiu
Słowa kluczowe:
piekło psychiki, kobieta jako dusza mężczyzny, rozłąka z własną psychiką, unieruchomienie, rozszczepienie, autoagresja, psyche hell, woman as man’s soul, separation from one’s psyche, immobilization, split, self-destructive behaviorAbstrakt
Orpheus in Never Lecture in the Museum of the Theater in Wroclaw
Art does not exist without myth. It is what gives meaning to an artwork. It is thinking in its own, and art, always impressing something on someone, avoids strict, rational, but also prone to pressure norms path when we reach sacrum; art is the only language to speak about sacrum. The character of Orpheus has inspired artists of different genres for centuries, but it seems to be seen from only one side. The mythical hero does not break a formal order, but an authentic norm, because he personifies a fact that norms do not exhaust human nature, only regulate life of societies. Thereby an “innocent” hero cannot be mythical. I searched for Orpheus’ guilt and Euridice’s counterparts in other myths, or even different mythologies. One of them is, then, Lot’s wife. I admit, I was inspired by Wisława Szymborska’s poem about her.