No i stało się. Szkic do manifestu gnostyka


  • Janusz Jaroszewski

Słowa kluczowe:

nadwartościowa idea, intersubiektywny porządek wyobrażeniowy, sens, wiara, mit, ułuda, uniwersum, życie, ego, jaźń, over-valued idea, intersubjective order of imagination, meaning, faith, myth, illusion, universe, life


And So it Happened. A Draft of a Gnostic’s Manifesto

The text by Janusz Jaroszewski the author of artistic and scientific book THAT THERE… with no name And so it happened is a draft of a manifesto, a critical assessment of all old and present religious as well as political doctrines, that are intersubjective imagined orders, which, in author’s assessment, currently led to very serious crisis of all kinds of values. Jaroszewski strengthens his diagnosis with references to writers, poets and philosophers, who also included these issues in their works – Thomas Bernhard, Yuval Noah Harari, Miguel de Unamuno and Marina Tsvetaeva.






Artykuły [1054]