Witraż – mit światła i koloru
Słowa kluczowe:
witraż, mit, architektura, sacrum, światło, stained-glass, myth, architecture, lightAbstrakt
Stained-Glass – a Myth of Light and Color
The art of stained-glass works has been related to the concept of sacrum for centuries. The genesis of this myth reaches the medieval era, when stained-glass had been one of the primary artistic techniques. The symbolism of light and color which has been known since the primeval times, an expression of God’s glo-ry, has perfectly inscribed itself in the program of ideological gothic cathedrals.
For hundreds of years stained-glass has dominated church architecture, at the same time solidified the common conviction of its religious purpose.
Only after cultural and social changes at the end of 19th century has traditional approach towards stained-glass been broken. It then entered widespread public and everyday space. In the next era, in 20th century, it became an expression of many independent artists. Due to their creative work, mythology of sacral stained-glass has expanded onto new areas. In modern times, stained-glass is a full-fledged art genre, free and in-dependent, but still dealing with deeply rooted conviction of the religious character of the glass masterpiec-es.