Miscellanea źródłowe

Tom 73 Nr 1 (2018)

Umowa Mikołaja Queissera z Janem z Głogowa w 1376 r. Przyczynek do dziejów śląskiego szklarstwa i inicjatyw budowlanych w Głogowie

Dagmara Adamska

Strony: 143-154



The article concerns a contract made in 1376 between glazier Mikołaj Queisser and Jan of Głogów for the supply of 3,200 pieces of glass for glazing windows to an unknown address. The author identifies the Silesian Mikołaj “from the Kwisa” and the dean of the Głogów collegiate, Jan, among the parties to the contract. She shows that the glass was most probably intended for St. George’s Chapel in Głogów.


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