Artykuły i studia materiałowe

Tom 73 Nr 2 (2018)

Charyzmatycy czy markieranci – obraz pastorów i księży w Dzienniku Andrzeja Cinciały z lat 1846–1853

Marzena Bogus-Spyra

Strony: 49-68



The notary Andrzej Cinciała (1825–1898) of Cieszyn left behind his Diary, written in 1846–1853. In his notes, which he kept regularly, almost daily in the early years, we find a detailed description of the activities of both the author and his circle of friends, including those forming the Polish national movement in Cieszyn Silesia. Diary contains numerous apt observations on everyday life, including the author’s opinions about the clergy of the time. The article, which is based on analysis of the contents of Diary, attempts to present issues concerning reception of the work of priests and pastors influencing the educational fate of secondary school pupils from Cieszyn Silesia. It would be a truism to point out that for generations the clergy have served as mentors and arbitrators for certain layers of society. However, contrary to the traditional view put forth by Polish historiography, among them therewere not only charismatic leaders, but also people who avoided honest service.


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