Miscellanea źródłowe

Tom 73 Nr 3 (2018)

Dziennik podróży Adama Logi (1800–1831) z Leszna do Bonn 1820 roku. O marzeniach oraz postrzeganiu świata i Niemców przez młodego Polaka, tragicznego powstańca 1831 roku

Dariusz Rolnik

Strony: 123-160



Adam Loga’s journal is a source that details for us the dilemmas of young Poles living under Prussian rule at the beginning of the 19th century. It turns out that they perceived it as an opportunity to further their development and career. At the same time, they strove to keep the memory of Poland’s past alive. Many of the situations, sometimes out of the ordinary, described in the journal reflect their doubts and their search for a place in the world.


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