Artykuły i studia materiałowe

Tom 74 Nr 3 (2019)

„Odkrycie” kodeksu Liwiusza z kościoła św. Piotra i Pawła w Legnicy na tle tradycji rękopiśmiennej Ab urbe condita i jego echa w prasie brytyjskiej w 1870 r.

Michał Broda

Strony: 5-26



The work Ab urbe condita by Roman historian Titus Livius originally consisted of 142 books, of which 35 survived until today. Beginning in the Renaissance period, humanists and ancient historians persisted in attempts to find the lost books; once in a while, news of actual or alleged discoveries appeared. Author of the article presents the alleged discovery of Livius codex by historian Hermann Kraffert in 1870 in Legnica, compared with the manuscript tradition of this work. Publicity surrounding the aforementioned “discovery” appeared in press around the world; in the article, that media attention presented on the example of British press.


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