Artykuły i studia materiałowe

Tom 74 Nr 3 (2019)

Ucieczki za granicę oraz inne formy nielegalnej emigracji w historii Śląska Opolskiego. Część II. Lata 1955–1989. Zarys problematyki w świetle materiałów cywilnego aparatu bezpieczeństwa

Zbigniew Bereszyński

Strony: 45-70



The Opole Voivodeship (province) encompassed a vast majority of Polish–Czechoslovakian borderland. This particular part of the state border was characterized by lack of significant natural barriers. This circumstance created favorable conditions for escape attempts from a country ruled by communists. Odra River, a communication “spine” of the region, also offered a chance of flight to the West. Refusal to return after a legal trip abroad was a specific form of illegal immigration.


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