Miscellanea źródłowe

Tom 74 Nr 3 (2019)

Podnoszenie miasta z ruin (zestaw fotografii centrum Nysy z lat 40. i 50. XX w.). Krytyczne opracowanie materiału ikonograficznego. Wprowadzenie i część pierwsza (Ocalałe wśród ruin i zgliszcz)

Ewa Dawidejt-Drobek

Strony: 91-136



In this study, 34 photographs depicting the state of buildings in the city center of Nysa in the first years after Polish state administration took over the town in May 1945 are published and critically analyzed. The photographs record direct and indirect consequences of World War II. Through an analysis of this documentation and confronting it with other sources, the author managed to establish the location where and date when each photograph was taken. On this basis, she formulates a conclusion that in a landscape mutilated by war, actions both resulting in further destruction as well as aimed at preserving or reconstructing destroyed buildings took place.


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